"we are late to class, lets go" he said, giving her a quick pat on the back before running to class.

Sumi gasps, "fucking asshole!" she screams, if anyone was in the corridors, they definitely heard


"You" Sumi glares at Donghyuck who now had a smug smile, his posture was lose, he was inclined on the chair, rocking it back and forth, his tie was lose and shirt untucked, his tongue poking on his inner cheek.

"love that show!" he says, still rocking at his chair, Sumi stared, it took every fibre of her being to not tip the chair further below so he'd fall on his ass, walking up to him, she gave him a smack on the back of his head

"dont fucking try me"

Hyuck was so annoying, he was nonchalant, it was annoying, he just slightly chuckled.

Sumi looked front, the teacher wasn't here, she choked and ran for nothing.

I ran for nothing??

"Where's yang?" she asks, crossing her arms over her chest.

"did you know today's lesson is on anatomy, love me some biology" He smiles, god it was so cute, Sumi just wanted to pick up the chair and hit him with it.

"ayo where's yang, if he's late, Sumi and I could go for a quick little bang" He practically screamed, to which Sumi mightve lost some air as she snaps her neck towards the class if anyone actually heard that but fortunately everyone were quite busy on their own or their friends.

"are you crazy?" She whisper yells, giving Hyuck a nudge to his shoulder.

"crazy for you, babe" Donghyuck sing songs as he tucked Sumi's hair behind her ear to which she instantly released, she hated herself in tucked hair.

Before she could say anything, sir yang rushed in, slapping his folder on the table

anatomy was lame but Donghyuck's anatomy? yeah.

So Sumi stared

looking closely too Hyuck who had his eyes closed, his features seemed captivating

His eyes forming perfect almonds, the moles he had which greatly complimented his face, then not to forget his sun kissed, caramel crisp skin.

Eyes slowly travelling to his lips, also perfect.

He had a defined cupids brow which glossed with the sun's help, they were plump pink.

Figuring she looked like a creep, she moved away but before she could, Hyuck caught onto her chin, bringing it back.

"I'd be creeped out by someone staring at me like that but I don't mind you doing it so continue" he said, eyes closed.

Sumi could only look down in embarrassment, 'what the fuck, cover Sumi cover!'
"Bro I was just looking at how ugly you look, you resemble Chewbacca from Star Wars" Sumi lied through her teeth, she was somehow so good at this. 
Hyuck laughs, "as if, but really, continue, here
I'll close my eyes for you" he says closing his eyes and the bell rang, again.
He slowly opens in eyes, and smiled.
"maybe next time" he whispered in her ear sending chills down her spine
And just like that he was out the door.


"whats going on here?" Sumi asked pointing to Ara and Jaemin's intertwined hands.

"we're dating" she simply replied, as if she wasn't internally dying.

Sumi gasps, "I leave you for one second and you go cheating on me with fucking barbie here?" she says pointing to Jaemin's hair, which was actually, well, pink.

"hey!" Jaemin protested, flicking at her forehead.

Hyuck clears his throat, "You had the hormones for miss Ara here and I am the last one to know, I dont know if that's breaking bro code but I'm breaking up with you" he says, spinning on his heel and turning around.

"yeah, Ara, me too, have fun with bubblegum bitch here" she says, linking her arms with Hyuck and walking away.

Walking back home, Hyuck waved Sumi bye.

" Soo whats good?" her mom asked as soon as She entered home.

" A lot happened today" Sumi says, phew-ing


"but mom what does the color red and orange indicate" Sumi asked

"what type of orange and what type of red?" Her mom asked.

"dark Orange and blood red" Sumi replied, remembering the events so well

" well Dark orange means fear and red means anger"

"oh" she mutters

"what's bothering you" she asked Sumi knowing the situation

"there's this boy i like" Sumi started

"Donghyuck, proceed" she cuts her daughter off

She was about to retaliate but she kept quiet because well, it's true

"yes him, what if we aren't soulmates" Sumi asked

"see Sumi" Her mom sighs, probably experienced with all of this, holding her hand

" destiny knows best, if you guys aren't soulmates, then you have someone better"

'but i don't want someone better'

Sumi nods as she walks back to her room, confused as ever, this whole soulmates thing was not for her.

A/N: hello guys, i hope you guys like my story.

but honestly guys do you even like this story

thank you <3

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