McDonald Randomness

Start from the beginning

Ah... Her food is gone.

"You have the money," You shooed her off, but she didn't budge.

"B-But I don't wanna get up," She crossed her arms and pouted like a 5 year old. You sighed as you stuffed more fries in your mouth. She looked at them with hungry eyes.

You don't want her to just sit there and keep begging, complaining that she's hungry. You giggled as a thought appeared in your head.

"Would you do it for a Scooby snack?" You asked, lifting up a brow. Her eyes lit up as she quickly nodded her head.

"Gimme gimme gimme!" She held out her hands, a gigantic smile stretched across her face as she watches you randomly take out a Scooby snack from out of nowhere.

"Knock yourself out," You tossed it to her, which she caught it in both of her hands. She stood up out of her chair and ate it with no hesitation.

And with that, she turned around sophisticatedly and walked up to the front counter and ordered another burger.

"That's my girl," You laughed, watching her wait by the wall for her to wait until she gets handed her food. She turns to you and smiles.

"Call me Sasha Braus!" She giggled, as she got in a pose that looked like she was about to slay a titan. You laugh at her reference as you just watched her goof around.

The employees had to say 'excuse me' three times just in order to get her attention. Her face begins to turn into a pink hue as she grabbed her food, skipping back to her seat.

"They gave you a bag, huh?" You blink, eating the last fry that you had and pushed the tray a bit, showing that you're done.

"Well, on the way back home I'd exercise the food off and get hungry again! Plus, I don't want you to just sit there and wait till I finished eating," She smiled, which you awed because that is a sweet thing to say... In her sense.

"Just so you know, when we get home Imma steal a few fries," You giggled, which she shook her head.

"Why do that when I bought extra burgers? I gotchu girly," She winked, which you clasped your hands together in thankfulness.

"Thank god a friend like you exists in my life," You laugh as you got up to throw the trash away and to put the tray on the counter. Jasmine got up and followed behind you.

"Do you know what is funny?" Jasmine asks, grabbing your attention.

"Comedians," You spoke, even though you knew she wasn't asking for your input. She playfully rolls her eyes as she let out a few giggles.

"No, but really though," She stuck her tongue out.

"Fine, what?"

"Well, nearly almost every chapter, the author made us eat a lot. Eating seems to be on her mind 24/7, don't ya think?" She giggled, which you looked at her with confusing and yet concerned eyes.

"What? Jasmine, I think you actually lost it this time," You shook your head laughing as you opened up the door and held it open for her when you walked out.

"Lost what?" She tilted her head, with the same old grin on her face.

"Your sanity."

"Oh sweetie," Jasmine paused, sounding like a semi disappointed mother. She put her hand on your shoulder and continued, "You just now noticed?"

"No, I have always known," You stuck your tongue out, teasing her. She cocked her brow up and touched the tip of her finger on your tongue. Your yes widened, putting your tongue back in your mouth.

You lifted your index finger up, pointing at her, "No! Bad! Go in time out!"

Jasmine pouted, huddling the McDonalds goodies. She began to walk over to a telephone pole, her eyes still remain on you. "Fine!"

You laughed, running up by her side and tugged on her shirt to get her walking home. She smiled, soon after giving you a funny face.

"You know..." She began to speak, as you both now are walking normally on the sidewalk to your house. You looked at her to show that you were listening. She continued, "It feels like time is going so slow ever since your friend Sheryl bought us BTS tickets. I bet it is going to feel like forever before they actually arrive."

"Well, at least it is in a few weeks and not a few months," You stated, which she nodded her head in agreement.

"Right, at least we don't have to wait longer and be bored out of our anti-social minds," She laughed, elbowing your arm. You playfully bumped into her, which she didn't lose much balance, but she held onto the food tightly so it wouldn't drop.

"It'd be your fault if the food drops," She laughs, which you were about to make a BTS reference, but you both ended saying it almost in unison.

Yup, you guessed it, Mic Drop.

"MIC MIC BUNGEE!" You both laughed as you both sang the song back home.

You felt your phone vibrate in your pocket as you help open the door for Jasmine. You fish your phone out as you read the texts.

Yehet, Stolen Thine Jams:
Yeah, my friends are moods too!

We had one chicken nugget left and my friend distracted us away from the last nugget and he took it

I got mad

I wanted it

Ooooo I would get mad too

But tbh I'd do the same thing


Yehet, Stolen Thine Jams:
When we meet and go to McDonalds, you better not 😂


Jasmine sets the food on the table as she sits down at one of the chairs. She cuddles the pillow she had earlier and just sits there.

"You're not eating?" You asked, approaching her band sit next to her.

She shook her head, "Nah, it'd be best if I save it for later. Future me would be happy that past me saved myself a nice snack. See, aren't I so generous?"

You rolled your eyes with a smile, "Yes, yes you are."

She gave you a cute eye smile as she continued hugging her pillow.

Like her, you decided to save it all for later. You lean on the table and just let yourself drown in the fast food sent that you brought home from the restaurant.

"Well... Ever since you made the reference, I have been in the mood to watch it," You brought up, which she perked her head up in interest.


You smiled, "Wanna binge Attack on Titan?"



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