Chapter 1

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Okay, First lets pretend that you can gamble at 18 in Las Vegas.

Second, this is my new 1D fan fiction. I hope you like it. 

               "I still don't get why your making me come." I tell my older sister, Dianna, as she helps me pack for our trip to Las Vegas. 

Don't get me wrong, I was excited to go but it didn't make much sense, being only 18, there isn't much I can do there and I knew that since she turns 21 tomorrow and a group of her friends were also going, she would spend the entire weekend drinking.

               "I want to spend my birthday with you." Dianna states as she goes through the dresses that hang in my closet, the metal hangers clicking as she slides them into each other.

               "And I'm honored but Zegas? Really?" I roll my eyes, flopping down onto my bed, causing the suit case to fall to the floor.  It was pointless for me to even be in the room, she had made it clear a very long time ago that she was going to pick out all of my clothes.

               "Don't you want to gamble there? The casino's there are much better then the little dinky  ones here." She walks over, picking up the suit case and shoving a red and a blue dress in with the rest of the clothes she had picked out. 

Ever since my 18th birthday, it had become our mission to go to as many casinos as we could. I still don't know how it started but it was fun. The only bad part about it was the dent it made in my bank account.

               "Sure." I mutter, glaring up at the ceiling. The idea of gambling there was what made it exciting but sitting alone while she was off with her friends in a city I knew nothing about, that was not fun. 

               "Stop worrying, It'll be great." She grins at me as she zips the suit case closed, sitting it upright on the ground.

I trusted Dianna, She was one of the only people in my life that I could trust so I did what she said and stopped worrying, pushing all of the bad thoughts I had about the trip out of my head.


               "This place is amazing." Dianna's best friend, Brooke, says as we drive to our hotel. It was just after sunset and everything was lite up, giving the city a wonderful glow.

I laughed as Brooke rolled down her window, sticking her head out like a dog as she let out a cheer.

               "Get back in here." Dianna left one hand on the wheel as she reached over to tug on the back of Brooke's shirt. Brooke fell back into her seat, pouting.

               "No fun." Brooke mutters, rolling the window back up before turning around to make sure the car that held the rest of their friends was still following us.

I had argued for a while, making it clear that I wasn't going to be crammed into the back of the car with two of Dianna's friends, that was when we decided that the other three girls would take a separate car instead of one sitting in the front middle seat and having the other two, shoved in the back. It made things easier.

Brooke was shaking with excitment as we pulled up to our Hotel, a valet taking our car keys and handing us a slip. After we get our suitcases out, lining them up in a line, We wait for the car of Dianna's other friends to join us. The walk over, suitcases tight in their grips as they grin.

               "Ready?" Dianna asks, turning her attention to the hotel/casino that stood in front of us. I nodd, grabbing my suitcases handle, ignoring her and her friends as they start to squeal. 

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