I smirked at him whilst Damon just sat glaring at all of us.

I waited for Elena to call everyone and ask them to meet us here, in the commotion of the previous evening and the reoccurrence of my dream I had managed to leave my phone at the house.

"That's everyone" Elena announced.

"Tyler?" I asked her.

"I thought he was was MIA so no." she answered.

"He's back, we will need him. Can you ask him to bring my phone please?" I told her smiling at my own incompetence.

Elena smiled and did as I asked and I smiled back grateful she was willing to do whatever was necessary to get everyone here.

Unsurprisingly Caroline was the first to arrive, I was willing to bet she used her vampire speed to get here so quick. I hugged her as she came in and she immediately tensed knowing I don't really do hugs but relaxed when I whispered "Tyler's back" in her ear.

We broke apart and she had tears showing in her eyes as she mouthed "Thank you" at me.

I smiled knowing I had just made her day a minute amount better just by knowing he was safe.

Bonnie was next to arrive and although she smiled at us all she was oddly silent. I narrowed my eyes at her and she tossed her head to the door silently telling me we needed to talk. We slipped out while the others were deep in conversation.

Once we knew we were far enough away from prying ears I turned to face her. "Bon what's wrong?" I asked feeling anxiety thrum through my body.

She sighed before giving me a rushed explanation. "That box you gave me had a necklace inside. When I put it on I could hear all these voices and it freaked me out. So I went to speak to my Grams, apparently I am a duel lineage witch which means I am stronger than I thought. Apparently I am destined to be the strongest of our generation." she finished

I stood in shock soon realising what a massive gift Davina had given me. I let my trademark smirk show and decided to let Bonnie in on what this means before I told the others.

"Bon this is amazing, we might actually stand a chance" I said with a huge smile.

We linked arms and walked back to the Salvatore house discovering Tyler had made it in our absence. I couldn't see or smell Jules and was glad that Tyler had had the sense to leave her at the house.

Tyler was off in a corner with Caroline they were stood with their heads together whispering to each other. It made my heart swell to see my brother and one of my best friends so happy.

I waited another few moments before clearing my throat to get everyone's attention.

I started by reminding them all why Klaus was coming and what he needed to break his curse. I then handed over to Tyler to tell them where he was and what he has discovered.

At the mention of Katherine the vampires in the room visibly stiffened, they all had reason to hate that bitch. Caroline recovered first taking in the rest of what Tyler had said.

"Mason's dead?" She asked, fresh tears falling down her face.

I nodded in confirmation and the whole group suddenly spoke together offering condolences. All but Damon.

"I am going to assume that Imogen isn't particularly bothered about his demise seeing as none of you have understood that he was working with the enemy and because of him Klaus is now in possession of the damn moonstone." he said with white hot rage simmering behind the crystal depths of his eyes.

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