He leaned into both of us so no one could hear him but his echo traveled across the room mildly "Piercing the tissue that separates life from death"

"Everything else from the deep bottom of the sea, to the top of the highest mountain, on the farthest planet is insignificant, life and death, Sir. Malcolm and Miss Hemmingway, the flicker that separates one from the other, fast as a bat's wing, more beautiful than a sonnet" He paused putting his finger on the low tale in front of us."That is my river, that is my mountain, there I will plant my flag" He finished

After his last word, Sir. Malcolm and I were astounded by his outburst of passion to his complexed range of work which left a smile smirk on my face.

'A poet and A gentlemen' I thought

"You have the soul of a poet sir" Sir. Malcolm smiled

Victor chuckled, looked at me then back to Sir. Malcolm "And the bank account to match, how why did you want to see me Sir. Malcolm"

"You tell me" He insisted

"Last night of course, the body you bought was not strictly speaking human" Victor added 

"No" Sir. Malcolm answered

"Did you kill him?" Victor asked    

"Yes" Sir. Malcolm replied calmly, like it didn't bother him 

"Are there more?" Victor asked again

"Yes, undoubtedly" I added

"And what is your goal, Sir. Malcolm" Victor questioned

"To find a cure, for the most rare disease and summon a position to you of employment, you seem to be free thinker, who might imagine a world less constrained by what we think we know of as truth" He explained

Victor wondered his eyes to the right of the room "You mean the supernatural?"

"I mean a place where science and superstition walk hand in hand and an atemist of your skill would be invaluable to my work" Sir. Malcolm exclaimed " You will be well paid"

"I have no interest in joining an amatuer acculist side " victor sighed, getting up to leave

"Nor am I informing one" Sir. Malcolm raised his voice angrily, I took my glass and started to drink the last of the brandy in my glass " It is not a game for me"

"Then stop playing" Victor exclaimed, sitting back down again "As if it were, what are you after?"

"I am trying to rescue my daughter, to save her I would murder the world" He started to engage him and alsoe overhearing the conversation " Join me Doctor, with us you will behold terrible wonders"

"And how much of the world will we have to murder?" Victor asked

"Would you care?" He asked

"I have only one other question, why me" He whispered at the end of his sentence

"Because you were unafraid to pull back the skin and look beneath the corpses dead skin" I exclaimed, noticing his direction to me.

Sir. Malcolm poured himself a glass and sat comfortable as Victor adjusted his attention to me.

"Who are you?" He asked me

"I'm someone who has studied the creatures that was brought to you last night, I'm a, you could say a walking library about it" I explained

"Do you hunt these things?" He asked, making him lean closer

Victor's P.O.V

"Do you hunt these things?" I asked....

Her whole personality changed from last night, it's like she had a whole different side to her and she seemed to use it alot.

"If things get scarce and out of control" She smirked

"I'm sorry, it"s just never in my mind, would a see a woman in trousers, with knives and in such an occupation." I added

"Give a woman a gun, years of pain and suffering, she can forget anything and everything that she was, mould herself to be better stronger and she can also be curious, kind, beautiful, full of knowledge and have a smiled to warm the coldest of people" She explained deeply "My reputation is clouded with dirt and blood, only a few know about my existence" 

"It's fascinating, I think" Sir. Malcolm added "She is also with us if a cures is needed to be made for any injuries"

"I study in a wide range of science and superstition, that i've taken some time tintp practice, with the help of my father" She smiled, she started to stand up  soon Sir. Malcolm followed 

"Like all things Doctor, everybody has a dark side, it just take someone with a curious mind to pull them out or make them a better person" She smiled, one last time and left with Sir. Malcolm.

I got up and made my leave. The servants gave me my coat and I walked outside, and onto the street. I started to walk forward when I was interrupted by a voice.

"Did you think I was going to leave you to walk home in the dark alone" I heard her voice, that sweet voice, that made me smirk and feel better about everything.

"Do you alway tend to sneak up on people?" I smirked

"Only when i'm curious" She smiled back.

I linked arms with Lenora again and I felt her hand again rest on my arm, walking to my home. This beautiful, young, smart woman left me in an astounding state when ever she smiled, making me feel warm and being the only one that could make her feel safe.

'Could I be that for her?' I thought.

~We all have our curses~जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें