“I am helping… just them” I told him.

“Get him” I heard Avia call out. I giggled as Shay, Casey and Gavin went after Logan with the nurf guns.

“Alright, you guys are picking them up” Logan told them and walked over to me. I smiled at him and ran off to the staff room. I grabbed my wallet and saw Logan waiting.

“Did you want lunch with the family and I?” Logan asked me.

“I don’t know, so you think they would care?” I asked him. He shook his head.

“Not at all, plus I want to get to know you more” Logan told me. We walked over to his family, I do watch them all on YouTube and I am a fan. I got in the same car as Logan and we all went to a café.

“Guys this is Becky, she’s new here” Logan said.

“Hey” I waved to them.

“Your Australian” Shay said.

“I’m originally from here, but when I was 6 months old my mum, dad and I moved to Australia. Then we moved back here” I told them.

“How many siblings do you have?” Laurie asked me.

“Not including me. 7 biological” I told them.

“Seven siblings. I thought I had a lot” Colette told me.

“How many brothers and sisters do you have?” Avia asked me.

“I’m the only girl. So I have 2 older and 5 younger brothers” I told her.

“Doesn’t it suck being the only girl” Carlie asked me.

“Not really, I love dirt bike riding and all that… even if my step mum hates it” I told them.

“Step mum? What happened to your real mum?” Emmi asked me.

“Emmi” Avia and Colette said.

“It’s fine. My mum dies when I was 6 from cancer” I told them.

“I’m sorry” Emmi told me.

“It’s fine, it was a long time ago” I told her. I felt someone tap my leg, I looked down and saw Gage.

“Hey Gage” I picked him up and set him on my lap. Then her wrapped his arms around my neck.

“Aww” I heard everyone. I sighed and smiled then wrapped my arms around him.

“Don’t worry, we love you” Gage told me.

“Thanks Gage” I told him and kissed his cheek. He slid off my lap and ran over to Kayli.

“Mummy I got my first kiss from another girl other then you” Gage said. I giggled and looked at Logan, I saw him smiling and he gave me a slight wink.

“So do you get along with your step-mum?” Colette asked me.

“Not one bite. All we do is fight and she’ll lecture me about not haven’t any girly clothes and all that. I think that Colette is like a mother to me then her. I mean I’ve watched you guys since you started on YouTube” I told them.

“Aww, well I’m glad” Colette told me. I smiled at her, then my phone rang. I looked at it and saw it was Bianca my step mum. I rolled my eyes and ignore the call.

“Step mum?” Logan asked me. I nodded my head. I played with my salad thinking of why my dad married Bianca and not someone who loves kids. Then my phone rang, I looked at it and saw it was dad.

“Excuse me, I need to take this” I told them and walked a good distance away from them.

“Hey dad” I said.

“Hey sweetie, where are you?” Dad asked me.

“I’m on my lunch break with a new friend I made today” I told him.

“Oh that’s good honey, listen we’re having dinner at a friends house tonight, so when you get back home after work you should get ready” Dad told me.

“Please tell me the she-devil isn’t picking out my clothes” I told dad.

“No she isn’t. I know you’d want to where something you want to wear so I told her not to and if she does ignore her” Dad told me.

“Thanks dad, why couldn’t you marry someone that isn’t a total barbie?” I asked him.

“Honey, can we not talk about that right now. I have to go and pick up the kids from the day care” Dad told me.

“Alright love you, see you when I get home” I told him and hung up. I walked back over and took my seat.

“So tell us about yourself Becky” Shay told me.

“Alright, my full name is Becky Jane Payton. I’m 19 years old. Um I adore my brothers, oh my brother names are, in order from eldest to youngest, Jaxon, Derek, Tyler, Colton, Evan, Liam and Austin. Jaxon and Derek are engaged. I’ve never had a boyfriend, I use to be a cheerleader. I never really liked it. I love Disney movies both original and classic movies. I absolutely love The Fault In Our Stars, I didn’t cry for some weird reason. I’ve never been to a VidCon or a Playlist live before, I love YouTube and I’m a dog lover… oh an my birthday is in two months from today” I told them.

“Oh cool, what type of dogs do you like?” Casey asked me.

“I’m not saying I hate small dogs, but I do love Boxers, Great Danes those type of dogs” I told him. I looked at my phone and saw I got a message from Bianca. I rolled my eyes and put it back in my pocket.

“We better get yous back to work” Kayli told us.

“I don’t wanna” I said and crossed my arms.

“Come on” Logan picked be up and started walking to the car.


I put Becky in the car. Steve and Carlee dropped us off at ShopKo. We waved to them and they drove off. We walked in and clocked in, we went to work. I watched Becky from a far and saw that she was having trouble with a guy customer. I started walking over.

“I’m sorry, but I’m not interested” Becky told the guy. The guy was Tristin from High School, he’s the biggest player in Pocatello.

“Tristin, if your not going to buy anything then leave” I told him and pulled Becky away from him.

“Oh hey, what are you going to do about it?” Tristin asked me cockily.

“I don’t see why the girls chucked themselves at you, I’d rather chuck you in the bin where you belong you pig” Becky said and pulled me away from Tristin.

“Hey, he’s not worth it. He’s not going anywhere in his life because he’s got his head so far up his butt. But you Logan are going somewhere with your life, especially with YouTube on your side” Becky told me. I nodded my head and I looked at the time and it was and it was 2:45.

“We’ve got 15 minuted until our shift is over” I told her and we went back to work. The 15 minutes went quick. I walked Becky to her car.

“I’ll see you around yeah?” I asked her. 

“For sure” She told me and got in the car. We waved to each other and she drove off.

Idaho Girl *Logan McKay Love Story* *Completed*Where stories live. Discover now