Special Delivery

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A/N: light Labyrinth crossover reference.


" And that, my darling, is a basic history of the Goblin Wars." Undertaker finished with his trademark smile.. " You might hear a lot about that in wizarding school."

" That's sooooo cool!" Harriet said. Ever since learning she was a witch, she learned a lot more about the Wizarding World and its history. " I would've never thought the goblins had a functioning monarchy! Or the fact that their king is a fae, of all people!" Undertaker chuckled at this. It was little known fact that the Goblin king was a fae, or even that there was a Goblin king. Harriet was a promising student. But it did make Undertaker upset that Harriet wouldn't be his pupil anymore.

Suddenly, the funeral parlor's door opened. Undertaker got up from his seat in the back room. He had a hunch about who was at the door. Harriet felt like she knew too, so she followed her dear uncle to the front room.

There, before her, were three men, only two of which she knew, and made it quite clear that she did.

" Sebastian! Ciel!" Harriet exclaimed, jumping into Sebastian's arms. Sebastian gladly obliged Harriet and returned a big hug.

" Hello Harriet," Sebastian smiled. " How have you been?"

Harriet smiled. " Wonderful! Much has happened since three years ago! I have learned I am a Witch! Not just any, but the Girl Who Lived!"

Sebastian and Ciel were surprised at this, but smiled.

" That's Wonderful,"Ciel said.

Severus, was taken aback. He had found her? This quickly? What luck!

" Pardon me for saying, but what is your name young lady?" Severus asked. God! He thought he sounded like a pedophile. Even Sebastian mentally agreed, wholeheartedly.

Harriet, seeing that this would be safe if Sebastian was here, thought it would be alright if she were to say. " Harriet. Harriet Charlotte Sutcliff."

Severus was shocked. Did this girl not know her roots? Her middle name was Lillian! Her Surname, Potter!

" Sutcliff? That is an interesting last name. Especially for the Girl Who Lived," Severus responded.

" Why is it strange? How do you know the stories of the Girl Who Lived?" Harriet snapped.

" Harriet," Undertaker began to speak.
" Perhaps we should call your mother. She should know about this."

" We shall stay here too," Ciel said while Sebastian nodded in agreement. "I would like to know why you lied to us, Mr. Snape." Severus shuddered. How could this young man be so frightening?

It did not take long for Grell to arrive. What was unexpected was that William T. Spears arrived alongside her. He was nonetheless than shocked to see Phantomhive, Michaelis, and Undertaker all in one place again.

" Ah, Grell! there you are! And I see you brought a friend."  Undertaker said happily.

" You said this would be important. Let us cut to the chase, shall we?" Grell said. She did not want to play games. Ever since Grell had learned of Harriet's role in life, she lost a lot more of her flamboyancy. She had so much on her mind nowadays.

" Indeed. You are behind on your work, Sutcliff. I shouldn't have to remind you-"
" Shut it, Will. I have no time for that, right now." The air of the room was stunned by that comment. How could the reaper in red be so cold, nowadays? " Yes, Undertaker?"

" Phantomhive and his butler came in with a friend today. He says he knows about the Girl Who Lived." Undertaker smiles.

Severus took this opportunity to speak. He stuck out his hand to the redhead known as, Grell. " If you don't mind, let me introduce myself. I am Professor Severus Snape. Potions Master at Hogwarts School for Witchcraft and Wizardry. If you have not guessed, I am a wizard. The school year is beginning soon, and I am looking for Ms. Harriet Potter, the Girl Who Lived."

" Harriet Potter?" William said. " The last people I reaped with that surname were  Lily and James Potter. I saw a baby there, but it was soon taken away. I never saw it again. Grell, is there something you would care to explain?"

Grell stared at her superior. She rolled her eyes, mouthing that she would tell him later.
" I see. I found Harriet on someone's doorstep. She would have died of hypothermia if it weren't for me."

" What was the address of the doorstep?" Severus inquired.

" No. 4 Privet Drive. Why?" Grell said.

" That was the home of her closest living relatives. Apparently you took her away from there, but, nonetheless, I thank you for that. She would have been abused in that household." Severus said. This redhead had saved his Lily's child. Severus directed the conversation towards Harriet. " Harriet, Your original name was Harriet Lillian Potter. I was a very close friend of your birth mother's. Her name was Lily Potter."

" I think I prefer my current name, thank you." Harriet had a suspicion that many witches and wizards would refer to her as Potter. " Anywho, why were you trying to find me?"

Undertaker spoke before Severus could open his mouth. " Since you grew up in the Reaper World, my dear, you were inaccessible by the Wizarding world. Basically, they couldn't find your address." Harriet nodded. Severus was a little shocked.

" Reapers?" He said. " On Earth?"

Ciel took the floor this time. " Yes. Mr. Spears, Ms. Sutcliff, and Undertaker are all reapers. I, myself, am a demon; and my mate/ butler, Sebastian, is a demon as well."

Severus maintained a level head. These people seemed quite intelligent and tame. Harriet is most likely fine. " Good to know. Well, me being the only wizard here, and what with school starting soon, Harriet should probably go and buy supplies for her first year. With your permission," Referring to Sutcliff. " Could I take your daughter school shopping?"

Grell thought about it, and nodded. " Seeing as I won't be able to accompany you, myself, because of this idiot behind me," pointing to Will. " You have my permission. But I would like one of  my peers to accompany you." Severus thought this was reasonable.

Undertaker stood up, snickering lightly. " I will join you, Mr. Severus. I shop at Madam Malkin's Robes for All Occasions. I have a few tears on one of my spare robes that I need to be tailored, so I'll go." He called out to his apprentice, who was currently in her room reading since she was on break. " Gwendolyn! Watch the store for me. I should be back before dinner."

" 'Kay!" Called a feminine voice. Severus could tell that this Gwendolyn was barely older than Harriet. He said nothing. Perhaps she was a reaper, but look younger.

" Very well." Severus said.

And they were off. Ciel and Sebastian left. No longer remembering why they originally came, and Grell and Will leaving for the Dispatch. Will, most certainly, wanted to know why Grell kept this a secret, let alone pulled a stunt like this.

Harriet Charlotte Sutcliff and the Philosopher's StoneDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora