"Might as well, I guess."

I head towards the dust shop and was noticed by one of the men, and he instantly unsheathes his... baseball bat?

"Stop right there." He yelled at me.

I ignored his words and just kept walking.

"I said stop! You trying to get hurt kid?" He blocked my path and raised his bat in the air and took a swing at me. "What the..."

I caught the bat with my right hand and pushed him back.

"That's not fair, I haven't activated my weapon yet." I said in a monotone voice.

I pulled up my hoodie's right sleeve and twisted my metal wristband as it unfolded into a gauntlet covering my entire forearm. I loaded it with lightning dust, and the outline of my gauntlet started glowing yellow and sparked as electricity surged through it.

"Now we can play." I grinned.

I rushed towards the man and punched him in the gut, sending him flying towards the dust shop's wall. It caught the attention of the other men and they started an onslaught against me. One after another they swung their weapons and shot in my direction, I easily counter their strikes and dodge their shots. I punch my gauntlet onto the ground creating a shockwave sending them all flying.

"Enough!" yelled the man in white. "We can't waste any more time with this kid."

He pointed his cane towards me and a crosshair suddenly popped up at the end of it.

"Hold up, is your cane a gu-" I was cut off as he started firing rounds of explosive dust towards me.

I dodged his shots, but one managed to hit me straight on and launched me a good distance back. I regained my composure and quickly recovered from the blast.

The man in white and his remaining men ran off and I pursued them, we ended up at the roof of an abandoned warehouse as they jumped onto an airship. Where the heck did that come from?

I loaded a round of water and air dust into my gauntlet and took aim at the ship.

"Gotcha." I smiled in victory as I shot a beam of ice, freezing one of the ship's propellers. "One more should bring you down."

My little celebration was cut short when the ice was broken off by fire. A woman in red, melted off the ice and started firing balls of fire towards my direction. I countered the flames with my ice, it didn't take too long for mist to form after the constant barrage from both her fire and my ice attacks.

"Damnit, where are they." I said to myself, however my question was answered when a large fireball sent me off the roof, hanging onto whatever I could grab on.

"Next time you mess with me, make sure you can aim." The man in white laughed. "No one messes with Roman Torchwick!"

They fled after Roman said his little insult. I managed to pull myself back up onto the remains of the roof and flopped onto my back.

"That was quite impressive young man." someone complimented out of nowhere.

"Thanks I guess, but may I ask who you are?" I asked cautiously. "And what are you doing out here?"

"Allow me to introduce myself," The man said adjusting his glasses. "My name is Ozpin and I'm-"

"The headmaster of Beacon Academy." I said cutting him off. "I'm aware of that part at least. Just didn't expect someone like you to be out here, at an abandoned part of the shipyard."

"I was simply strolling through the city when a dust robbery took place, we were going to take action but since you intervened we decided to observe your skills and follow you." Ozpin explained.

"Wait... I just got shot off the roof and nearly fell to my death and you just watched!?" I said irritated.

"Technically 'we' watched, and no, of course we took action." He retaliated.

"What action!?" I answered still irritated.

"I made Professor Oobleck contact Professor Goodwitch to arrange forms." He simply stated. "Would you mind coming down here?"

I groaned and let myself roll off the edge of the roof and landed on both legs in front of Ozpin.

"Those forms were for you, you put up quite the show today and I would like to further enhance those talents of yours if you'd let me." He further explained.

"Thanks, but no thanks." I said bluntly. "Even if I did accept, it's already probably a semester in since your classes have started. What use would that be for me and for you as well?"

"Children with potential are always welcome, certain occasions like these allow me to bend the rules and make way for talented individuals like you into the academy, to be able to train them and further enhance their skills as a huntsman and or huntress. However, I'm not forcing you to join and the choice will still be up to you." Ozpin grabs something from within his coat. "Here's my card, you have by the end of tomorrow afternoon to make up your mind. Don't hesitate to call if you consider our offer. May I ask for your name as well before I take my leave?"

"It's (Y/N) (L/N), sir." I replied.

Ozpin smiled and nodded as he took his leave accompanied by a man with green hair, who I assume must be Oobleck. I placed the card into my hoodie's pocket and left not long after.

I skipped dinner as I got home, due to the adrenaline still rushing through me. Looking back at what happened today ignited something within me again, something I haven't felt in a long time. I pull out my pendant and smiled. I dialed the number on the card using my scroll and after ringing twice, someone answered.

"Hello, this is (Y/N) (L/N). When do I start?"



Never Again - Ruby Rose x Male! ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now