‘Soooo, spill the beans!’ Will said, sitting down on the end of his bed.

‘Oh my god, you’re such a girl, Will,’ Oscar said, getting out of bed and giving him a light shove.

‘What happened?’ Will pressed, not daunted at all.

Oscar sighed. ‘We kissed. It’s what you do when you’re at a party with a gorgeous girl,’ he added patronizingly.

Will gave him a look. ‘Yeah, thanks for that.’

‘Don’t blame me for you not getting any,’ Oscar said teasingly.

Will rolled his eyes. ‘So you kissed,’ he said. ‘Looked a bit more serious than normal.’

Oscar shrugged, attempting nonchalance. ‘If you say so.’

Will looked suddenly rather suspicious, then he stood up abruptly. ‘Oh my god, Oscar,’ he said, as if he’d just discovered the Holy Grail under the bed. ‘You like her!’

‘What?!’ Oscar’s reply was unconvincing as it was, but to Will, who was completely sure of himself, he may as well have been a professional actor. ‘No!’

‘You so do! You’re not nearly this close mouthed usually!’

‘So that means I like her?’ Oscar asked sarcastically.

‘You blatantly do,’ Will said. ‘I thought you did. I thought you liked her, but I thought maybe it was just lust. Oh my god, Oscar, how long has this been going on for?’

Oscar shook his head. ‘Shut up.’

Will only got more excited. ‘Oscar! You really like her!’

‘Will, you’re being a prick,’ Oscar told him. ‘Leave it.’

He took the hint. ‘Sorry,’ he said. ‘Just curious. It’s obvious that she likes you back, that’s all.’

Oscar’s head snapped round. ‘Do you think so?’

Will tried his best to hide a knowing smirk. ‘Definitely. No girl really kisses a guy like that unless they have feelings.’

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