The Island

116 11 2

It's almost sunset, and the wind is throwing a light chop across the surface of the ocean. The brilliant orange sun turns the clouds to gold as it sinks towards the horizon. The only sound is the wind and a solitary gull calling as it wings its way across the molten sky.

The camera pans out and a superyacht powers into view, gleaming, exuding wealth and promise and populated by an excitable cluster of young people. The sound of heavy bass music thumps across the bay as the boat turns and heads towards an island that's been artfully kept out of frame up until now.

It's gorgeous. The colours are so bright they almost hurt the eyes; startling blues, greens so intense that every leaf looks like an emerald, white-gold sand. Glimpses of a villa sparkle out from the top of a cliff. Even from such a distant shot it's clear that money has been thrown at it and has stuck fast. Think marble pillars and spotlights. Lush gardens, and walls that are windows, and balconies strewn with fairy lights. But only for a moment: the view has other fish to fry, and after this tantalizing glance the villa is gone.

Circled by the camera, the boat pulls into the marina on one side of the island. A line of sixteen golf carts is lined up at the end of the wharf, ready to ferry the contestants to the comfort of the luxury mansion that sits atop a clifftop looking out towards the fiery sunset. The windows glitter, and the burning sky turns the water in the huge infinity pool on the second-floor orange. One at a time the contestants are led off the boat, and the cameras zoom in to capture the looks of surprise and wonder on their faces as they take in the scenery and the marina packed with jetskis and kayaks. It's a tropical millionaire's paradise, right down to the cries of the various exotic birds. This is a lifestyle most of these young people could only have dreamed of; even now they're here, their faces say they're expecting it to disappear in a moment, like a vision in a fairytale.

And, after all, fairytales are what they're here for.

As one of the girls heads towards her waiting transport, she lets out a laugh of delight.

"This is wonderful!" she exclaims.

Wonderful it is. Not only is the chance to win $150,000 up for grabs, there's also a chance to find true love, all while enjoying the luxuries and natural splendour of the island that will be their home for the next few weeks. If past seasons have been any indication the dates will be decadent, and the drama will be running as high as ever. The latter will be helped along when needed by the villa's two glamorous - and conveniently single - owners, Marnie and Jamie, who are currently waiting at the house to greet the contestants as they arrive.

The camera tracks the line of carts as they wind up the hill through the lush tropical foliage. Back home, millions of viewers wait for the first glimpse of the contestants in their new surroundings.

Of course, nobody has any idea of the events that will unfold over the next few weeks...

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