Chapter One

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Name: Mura Tachibana
Age: 16
Power: Manipulation, illusion, repel, reversed effect and power reversal.

Name: Mura Tachibana Age: 16Power: Manipulation, illusion, repel, reversed effect and power reversal

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*I do NOT own this picture of the Anime/Manga. But I hope you like the story*


Oh good the dessert shop is open. A few days ago a new dessert shop had open up not to far from my house, in fact it's just around the corner and the price of the desserts are cheap. Not to mention.

As the door chimed the owners daughter came smiling over to the counter.

"Oh hey Saiki! The usual?" She smiled.

This is Mura Tachibana, she is the owners daughter and works at the shop. She is my age and my powers never have worked on her well most of the time I can only read her mind but even then I can hardly do it, it's mostly due to her herself having powers. She has two powers that always negates my own, for example she has power reversal meaning she can change any of my powers to it's inverse so if I tried using teleportation she can make me immobile, she also has repel allowing her to push away not just objects but supernatural powers.

Mura sat down with Saiki as he ate his meal.

"So Saiki, you always seem to be alone when you come." She thought with a smile.

"I don't have friends, and before you ask I don't want them either."

"Hmm. Is that so? Then Saiki do you only visit me for my famous desserts, if we aren't friends" She was grinning evilly at the same time

Oh yeah I forgot to mention she makes most, if not all the sweets here, she also makes my coffee jelly.

"Mura, you are too much to handle sometimes you know."

"Geez Saiki." Mura began laughing.

Honestly it's nice having someone around other than myself that has powers, sure their is the medium but he's a bit weird. Mura also despite her negative powers is a positive person, I can read her mind and even her thoughts are kind. Probably because she is home schooled and doesn't know many people.

Mura also have a different appearance, she has two different eye colours and two different hair colours. Oddly enough the right side of her hair matches her left eye and vis-versa. I know I said this before but I changed everyone in the world to have unique hair colours, but I've never seen someone like this before. Her parents own the shop and their appearances aren't like Mura, I guess that's why they called her that. For those of you who don't know, Mura is Japanese for Uneven or Unevenness so as you can see it suits her pretty well.

"Oh that's right Saiki, the shop will be closed for a few weeks."

I unknowingly dropped my spoon of coffee jelly, closed? Few weeks? I mean I can always go back to the other shops to get my Coffee Jelly but that's not the point. It's quiet here, it's small and cozy not to mention it isn't very known so know one hardly comes her meaning no one from my school knows about this place yet. Honestly this place is my heaven.

"Is everything alright?"

"Oh yeah, it's nothing like that. My parents are going away for a while, I'm staying here and looking after the shop and house but I won't be able to run the shop alone atleast not for that long." Maru replied as she smiled happily at Saiki.

After I finished my desserts I went back home, Mura insisted on giving me some coffee jelly to take home and I wasn't going to decline an offer like that. Better keep this away from dad, and mum for that matter maybe I cou-

"Sorry ma- Saiki!"
"Damn it Nendou"
"How's it going buddy? What is it you got there, are those sweets."
"Oh no you don't you big bafoon, these are mine."
"Anyways it's lucky I ran into you no one was at yours."

If only I could sense this idiot, my powers never seem to work with him. What can I do? I don't really want to go out anywhere else, but if I go home he will no doubt follow me. Who am I kidding he will follow me no matter what I d-

"Wow is that Saiki?"
"Great another problem."
"So funny running in to you here."
"Oh hi Nendou. So Saiki want to hang out?"

I just want to go home but I don't know how I can get rid of these two. Also when did Kaidou get here?

"Oh Ku is that you? And you are with your friends?"

Great now mum is here.

"Why don't you bring them over? You can share those sweets with them"

No way am I sharing my sweets with these morons.
Back at the Saiki's household Nendou, Kaidou and Teruhashi were sitting at the table, with the coffee jelly that Maru had given Saiki Kusou.

And now my desserts are being eaten by them not to mention they are in my house again. How did this happen.

"Hey buddy! These are amazing where did you get these!"

"Yeah Saiki, they taste great" maybe Saiki made these for me and was out looking for me to give them too me I do have that affect on guys.

You're wrong. Now get out.


Finally they're gone, and so are my desserts. I wonder if I could go see Maru and get more? Wait but the shop is closed now. I'll just go see her tomorrow.


*this chapter is short, but will get longer. This was more of an introduction episode than anything else. Hope you enjoyed*

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 30, 2018 ⏰

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