[REQUEST] Naj! PJ x Nerd! reader

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Requested by HeroofDreamland

~~No one's POV.~~

As (Y/n) walked down the halls, trying to dodge any of her bullies that might come at her. And her worse bully was....PJ, oh how much she hated him for hurting her but she was also in love with him. This mixed feeling for that skeleton drove her crazy. But she knows that PJ's popularity would go down if he dates a nerdy girl like her. She was always thought of negative things that would get her and wouldn't get a chance with him.

As you may know, (Y/n)'s a nerdy girl that hangs out with Fresh's group and is very shy in the group. But as (Y/n) was walking down the halls to her locker, she had left the cafeteria so she can gather a few things for her next class. Even though she sits with Fresh group, she still leaves early no matter what.

(Y/n) closed her locker than sighed and was about walk to her next class but was cut by PJ slamming her against the locker, blocking every way for her to escape. She looked at him, confused and scared of what he might do to her. PJ was blushed but sorta glared at her, not with hate though.

(Y/n) didn't say anything to him cause she was afraid of what he might do to her. PJ leaned in towards her and whispered "Meet me behind the gym by the end of the day..."

He pulled back and walked away from her, not wanting her to go ask him 'why'.

~~Your POV.~~

I stood still for a second, processing what he just told me. I blushed and speed walked to the gym since PE was my next class. But headed towards the changing room to change.

Once I was in the changing room, I changed into my PE clothes and walked out of the changing room. I walked to the gym, hoping that a few people are there.

Looking through the windows from the entrance of the gym someone was there...well at least someone is here than it's fine. I walked inside the gym and took a seat on the bleachers, waiting for the bell to ring and students to come inside.

~~Skip le time cause I'm tired~~

It was the end of the day already, I sighed and headed behind the gym where PJ told me to meet him at.

I waited for awhile for him to meet with me..thinking if he stood up on me...my eyes started to fog a bit, but I started to hear heavy breathing near me. I looked up to see PJ out of breath, I stayed silent for awhile since he needed to catch is breath. Once he regained his breathing, he looked at me and gave me a apology smile. I quickly wiped my eyes so I can see from the fog in my eyes than shyly smiled at him.

"Sorry for coming late, I had basketball practice." He apologized.

"It's okay....it's not like I had anything to do anyways." I mumbled.

There was silence between us, not knowing what to say to eachother. Until he broke the silence...

"Hey I wanna ask you something..." He asked, looking very nervous.

"...What is it??" I answered, there was silence for a minute.

"I wanna know if....if you would be my girlfriend?" He said nervously.

"Yes I would like to be your girlfriend...but what about your popularity...? Doesn't it matter more....than me?" I asked him, feeling a bit upset about it.

"I don't care about my popularity! All I want is you and that matters more." He answered while smiling at me, I smiled at him and hugged him causing him to hug me too, it was a comfortable silence.


We looked at the bushes that were in front of us, to see Fresh and Lillian that is in our group. My face turned into a strawberry as for PJ, he kinda glared at them since Lillian had her camera with her and Fresh had his phone with him.

PJ was about to let go of the hug and probably kick their butts but I grabbed his shirt and pulled him into a kiss. He was surprised but melted into the kiss, which turned into a make out section.

Pulling from the kiss cause of the lack of air, we stared at each while smiling. We turn to see Fresh and Lillian gone, probably doing something together like always.

After that incident, PJ took me home so we can cuddle with each other.

♥♥♥THE END♥♥♥

Sorry if this oneshot sucks! >~<

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