Claire had finally arrived back and quickly threw the flare towards the Indominus. The Indominus looked up just in time to see Rexy smash straight through the T. Rex skeleton. Rexy spotted the I. Rex and let out a loud bellow roar towards her. Forgetting all about the humans inside the hut, the Indominus roared right back at Rexy. The two massive predators looked at each other and continued to roar to intimidate each other. But neither one backed down, the fight was on!

Everyone starred in amazement.

"Massrani was right." said Grant. "This park DOES have a T. Rex."

Claire laid on the ground right behind Rexy's feet. She and Owen looked at each other and then back at Rexy.

"RAAAAAAAAWWW!" roared Rexy.

"BLAAAAAAARRRG!" roared the Indominus.

The two massive predators charged towards each other. Rexy landed the first attack and bit down on The Indominus's neck. The Indominus tried to shake her off but had no luck. Rexy continued to bite down on the Indominus's neck when the I. Rex lunged forward and bit down on Rexy's neck. Luckily for the Tyrannosaur, this didn't do much damage. Rexy lunged another bite and grabbed a chunk of flesh near the I. Rex's left arm. Quickly, Rexy began to shake her head violently in attempt to rip it off. It looked for a while is if Rexy was going to win, when the Indominus shook Rexy off and slashed her face with her large claws and eventually pinned Rexy to the ground.

Claire crawled out of the way towards Ellie, John, Ian, and the others. Rexy roared in pain as the Indominus pinned her to the ground and bit her neck. The I. Rex began to drag the T. Rex by the head and smashed Rexy's head into the gift shop hut where Grant, Owen, and the kids were hiding. The Tyrannosaurus saw the six of them and lunged out a bite at them in hopes to get a free meal. Grant and Owen shielded the kids and Rexy missed them by just a few inches. Owen looked at Claire and the others.

"GET OUT OF THERE!" shouted Vivian.

"RRRUUUNNN!" screamed Claire.

There was a loud bang, Grant looked up and saw that the hut was going to collapse.

"GO! GO!" he yelled, and they all ran through the hole Rexy made when the Indominus smashed her head into the hut.

They all got out just in time as the Indominus pushed Rexy onto the ground landing right on top of the hut, the gift shop hut smashed to pieces when Rexy fell on it. The injured Tyrannosaur let out a roar in pain. Grant, Owen, and the kids ran over to the others and looked back to watch the battle. Rexy struggled to get up; the Indominus placed her hand on the T. Rex's neck and was just about to bite her head when everyone heard a loud stomping noise. Everyone looked up. The stomping got louder fast, suddenly there was a loud roar.

"What was that?" asked Ellie.

Gray recognized it.

"It can't be." he said.

Not a moment too soon did Blue dart out from behind a building and looked back and barked at something. Suddenly, the skeleton in front of the monorail station came crashing down when a massive predator with a crocodile like snout on its face, and a large sail on its back smashed through the skeleton, SPINOSAURUS AEGYPTIACUS! The Indominus instantly recognized the Spino and roared furiously at her. The Spinosaurus remembered the Indominus too and roared right back at her, she wasn't gonna let the I. Rex beat her this time.

The two predators charged towards each other. Once again, the Spinosaurus landed the first attack and bit down on the Indominus's snout. The Indominus shook her off. The Spino bit down on her neck but was quickly shooken off again. The Indominus banged her head into the Spino's side pushing her back a few feet. The two predators snarled at each other and charged towards each other again.

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