"For...well...everything," I said.

"No need to thank me. That's just what friends do." he said looking embarrassed.

Friends? I was friends with Park Jimin?

"Me and Tae gotta go, so catch ya later!" he lifted his hand and waved goodbye.

<Taehyung's POV>

Why did he do that? We all had a laugh, but...it kept replaying in my head

"No need to thank me. That's what friends do."

His facial expression changed every time he talked to him. Wait, why do I care? Why do I feel like this? Am I friend jealous? No I can't be.

"So where are we going?" I asked as we walked out of school.

"Ramuen!!" he said excitedly.

"Rock, paper, scissors, shoot!" 

Real men use rock. I put out rock and Jimin put out...paper yes!

"You pay! Ha!" I stuck my tongue out at him.

He turned away and started walking. So I followed.

"Awww, hyungie are you ok?" I asked.

He turn around running towards me at full speed and head locked me.

"V-ssi, you're paying right?" he asked smiling head locking me even tighter. Until I couldn't handle it anymore.

"FINE!" I yell and he finally stopped. We stopped for a moment and started laughing. He was like an older brother to me, I couldn't lose him to that punk. Jin-soo. Thinking of that made me stop laughing.

"So, you seem pretty close to that Jin-soo guy." I said trying to sound casual.

"Yeah, he's my friend." he replied and smiled.

"He's nice and cute." WHAT??? "He tries way too hard to be tough and is like a marshmallow on the inside." he explained.

How did he know that? They just met!

<Jimin's POV>

Why was he so curious? 

He kept on giving me weird looks. It was silent until we got to the convenient store. I sat there waiting to be served by him.

<Taehyung's POV>

I reached into my pocket for my wallet. It wasn't there. Ah I must've left it at the dorm.

"Hey hyung, I forgot my wallet at the dorm. I'll be right back." I said leaving.

"Ok hurry! I'm hungry!" he said and smiled.


I was about to walk into my dorm, but I saw someone there with Jin-soo. I hid behind a pole to see what was going on. The someone was... Jin hyung?

"What are you doing here?" he yelled at him.

"I-I'm here for school o-of course." Ji-soo stuttered and looked awkward after he said that. Did he cause more trouble? Why did I care?

"No! What is a female student doing in an all boys school!" Jin yelled. What? A female student? Jin-soo? Wait is that why she said that to me

"Sweet dreams my little Tae Tae."

She also stuttered to me when I asked if she was a man. Wait, no he can't be right. I just started opening up to him a little. I couldn't deny the fact that 

Shit. He really was a girl.

Not even bothering to get my wallet I sprinted back to the convenient store. I stormed in and grabbed Jimin hyung's wrist.

"V-ssi, what are you-"

"I can't believe it! WHY?" I screamed. She was trying to get close to Jimin. Crazy bitch! Just another fangirl!

Jimin ripped his wrist out of my grip and sat me down.

"What? Did something happen?" he asked. I can't tell him. I just can't. But..

"Jin-soo! That crazy son of a-" 

"Did he do something? Cause more trouble?" he asked more concerned about Jin-soo than me.

"S-she...s-she...AISH!" I yelled slamming my hands on the table.

<Jimin's POV>

I tried to calm down Tae. After the rest of our classes I walked him to his dorm. I waved goodbye, but I just couldn't take my mind off of it. 


Will Chim Chim find out??...idk will he XD. Lots of POV changes in it. On Friday I will be on vacay for 5 days so I'll try to post a few chapters before Friday. Also pic at the top some Vmin <3 Just saying this story isn't about Vmin...just sayin just incase you guys were confuzzled. (lol)  If you're confuzzled right now it's ok. Next chapter will be what happened in "Jin-soo's" POV.Anyways byeeeeeeeeeee!!!

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