Grant rubbed his eyes, he had once heard of a park with real dinosaurs, but he had never been to it since he never believed the dinosaurs there real. Seeing real live dinosaurs here was like seeing a unicorn, or a dragon. Grant almost wanted to cry, years of questions and theories on dinosaurs could finally be answered and proven wrong or right.

"Ellie We can tear up the rule book on cold-bloodedness. It doesn't apply. They're wrong. This is a warm-blooded creature." said Grant in awe.

"It runs! This thing doesn't live in a swamp!" said Ellie almost breaking a tear.

Grant looked back to see Masrani walking over to him.

"This thing's got a 25, 27-foot neck?" he asked him.

"Brachiosaurus, 30." said Masrani.

"Th..... Thirty feet!?" said Grant.

He still wasn't sure if he was dreaming.

The Brachiosaurus let out a loud roar and reared up on her hind legs, grabbed a branch of a tree and pulled it back snapping it off, and finished her trick with a massive stomp as her front feet touched the ground again.

"This is amazing." said Billy.

"Billy you haven't seen anything yet." said Masrani. "Up in the actual park we have a Mosasaurus, some Stegosaurs, a Spinosaurus, Pterosaurs, even a T. Rex."

"T...T... T. Rex?" said Ellie.

Masrani nodded.

"You've said you got a T. Rex?" Ellie said again.

Masrani nodded once more. Grant grabbed Masrani's shoulders in disbelief.

"Say again?" said Grant.

"W....we have a T. Rex." smiled Masrani.

"Mr. Masrani sir?" said Grant. "Are you.... by chance.... the own....owner of-"

"Why yes indeed my boy." interrupted Masrani.

Grant was so surprised that he began to feel faint so he decided to crouch down.

"Dr. Harding, Dr. Malchom, my boy Brennan, Dr. Grant, and my dear Dr. Sattler, welcome........ To "Jurassic Universe"." Masrani said.

Grant slowly turned his head around and saw two more Brachiosaurs bathing in the lake, on the bank was a herd of another species of dinosaur called Maiasaura.

"They're moving in herds." said Grant. "They do move in herds."

Ellie and Billy crouched down with Grant. It was the most magical thing they had ever seen. It was as if history had been completely re-written.

"How'd you do this?" asked Grant.

"I'll show you." replied Masrani.

10 minutes later everyone had boarded a monorail train. Masrani and his V.I.P were in the back of the train while Zach and Gray had boarded up front. Everyone was now on their way to the park. Even though they just saw real live dinosaurs, Zach still wasn't all that interested, so he decided to listen to his i-pod to pass the time. Gray wanted to talk to his brother, but before he got the chance the announcer spoke up.

"Alright everyone, those who are at the front of the train should be able to see our main gate." he said.

Hearing this, Gray got up from his seat and walked over to the very front of the train to get a better view.

"Woooooow." he said in amazement.

The gates were huge, they were made out of stone and cement, and it had 3 torches on each side, large wooden doors, and at of the gate in blue and white letters said "Jurassic Universe". Soon the boys and Zara had departed off the monorail and were now in one of the hotel buildings heading up for their room. Gray ran ahead excited, he couldn't wait to explore.

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