Chapter Two: The Investor

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After slipping on his uniform and combing his hair, Allen decided that it was time to grab his daughter and head out.

"You ready, Scar?" he called.

"Yeah," she yelled back as she walked into the kitchen.

Allen noticed that his daughter was wearing the same jean shorts that he thought had always looked too short and totally inappropriate on her.

"Is, uh, show-and-tell today?" he said with a smirk.

"Shut up, Dad," Scarlett snapped back.

Allen laughed as he opened the door for his daughter and walked with her to the car.

"You got anything going on at school today?" he said.

"Not really," Scarlett replied.

"Not really?" Allen asked. "You can't think of anything?"


"No pep-rallies?"


"No field trips?"


"No tests?"



"No, Dad!" she said sternly.

"Maybe I need to rephrase," Allen started. "Anything going on with boys?"

"Would you just leave me alone?!" she snapped.

"Alright, take it easy," he said.

The vehicle pulled into the school parking lot, and Scarlett quickly started to gather her things and open the car door.

As she started making for the front entrance, Allen rolled down the window to tell his girl goodbye.

"Love you, honey!" he called out.

Silence filled the atmosphere as Scarlett entered the school, not even turning back to so much as glance at her father.

Allen sighed as he pulled out of the parking lot and started for the bank.

When he arrived, he was greeted by his associate, Linda.

"Here's you're equipment for today, Mr. Sharpe. Try not to get hurt," she said playfully.

On his way to his post, Allen started to hear loud shrieks echoing from down the hallway, followed by cursing.

"Great, another one," he mumbled sarcastically.

Allen rushed down the hallway only to find a man, no younger than 25, pinned up against a wall by his co-worker.

"Dammit, they're coming!" the man shouted. "They're real! I saw them with my own eyes!"

"You need help with this one?" Allen asked.

"Nah, I got it," the security officer replied.

"Please, just give me the loan for my family! I'll pay it back, I swear!" the man shouted.

"Sir, we're gonna have to ask you to leave," Allen said as his co-worker pushed him towards the exit.

The man stopped.

He glared at Allen with a face filled with anger and hate, as if his eyes were jagged daggers, waiting to strike at the heart of Allen.

"I hope they come for you first."

Allen stared at him for a few seconds before the security officer cut back in.

"Alright, that's enough," he said as he shoved the man out the door.

Allen shrugged and turned the other direction. He wondered what the man meant by "they."

"Who are 'they,' and what do 'they' want with me?" he asked himself.

Many people had threatened Allen before, but something about this man was different. He had made Allen's stomach churn with anxiousness.

Although, he pondered on the possibility that maybe the guy was just bluffing to get his loan, like most people do. That maybe he's just pissed that he didn't get what he wanted. That maybe he's just trying to scare Allen.

It's probably nothing.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 09, 2014 ⏰

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