We started to head back down the mountain side, and I quickly slipped my hand into his, a smile still on my face. His fingers wrapped around my hand in return.

"You like it when we hold hands, huh?" I asked him.

"I...well. Yeah. Don't tell Gai though. He'll mock me for the rest of my life."

I laughed, "I won't. You can tell him that I'm the 'hand holder'."

His eye crinkled slightly in confusion.

"Uh...Guys don't really talk-"

"Kakashi, my man! We must talk about this lovely lady of yours!"

I gave Kakashi a pointed look.

"...about holding hands..." he grumbled. "I'm a little busy at the moment, Gai."

"So? We can talk here, I'm sure Whispy wouldn't mind!" he exclaimed, walking backwards beside Kakashi.

"Whispy?" I asked, confused.

Kakashi sighed, then a strange look came over his face, and he spun to walk backwards as well, switching hands.

"Okay then. What do you want?"

Gai got a challenging glint in his eye, "How about we race to headquarters, backwards?"

"If- excuse me, when, I win?" Kakashi prompted smugly.

"Hm... I will leave you alone for the rest of the week! If I win, you have to give me all the dirty details!"


"Uh, wai-"

They shot off, both sprinting backwards, people being knocked out of the way. It was the most ridiculous sight I had ever seen.

I face-palmed.

God damn it... He ran off with MY guy... And left me to fend off the stares alone...

I shifted uncomfortably as people stopped and just stared at me as I walked by.

Thankfully, someone came to my rescue, although it wasn't my knight in shining armor.

"HEY PLANT LADY!!! Did you see those guys just now?! They were running backwards, insulting each other!! It was so COOOL!!"

I grinned, "Hey Naruto! How ya been?"

"I've been great. I found someone's old coupon book for the ramen shop in a dumpster yesterday and it only had like three coupons missing. I've got free ramen for another month!" He grinned proudly, displaying the little booklet.

"Oh... How nice" I smiled uncertainly.

A sudden mischievous twinkle shone in his eye. "Is it true?"

"What?" I asked, confused.

"About you and the Copy-Cat Ninja?"

I blushed, "Naruto!"

"So it is true! I knew it! I gotta tell ya though, that guy doesn't seem all that impressive to me... He looks like a crazy, one-eyed old man..."

I laughed, "N-Naruto he's o-only t-twen-twenty-five!"

"Wow. Didn't see that one coming... Uh, you might wanna duck, plant lady..." he mumbled, pushing me to one side of the street.

"A-ha! I told you I'd win!" Gai shouted smugly, dodging around a punch from Kakashi.

"It was a TIE, GAI! Like thirty people agree!" Kakashi shouted, making to hit him again.

He saved me (A Kakashi Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now