Quickly putting my hair up I was ready to start the day.

"You can do this Monika!" I stared deep into my eyes through the mirror before grabbing my backpack and turning out the door.

The day was finally over. Walking into the classroom of the literature club I was pleasantly surprised that everyone was already there.

MC sat in the back flipping through an old manga, while Sayori, Natsuki and Yuri were in the front desks talking.
The girls eyes swiveled towards me and Sayori smiled and said,
"Hey Monika!"

I knew I told myself I shouldn't catch feelings but I couldn't help as my heart quickened, staring right into her bright blue eyes.

"Hello Sayori, and it's nice to see you two back!" I returned a cheeky smile. Surprisingly, both Natsuki and Yuri looked happy, not like they were about to share awful news. Though back in my head, I knew something had to be spilled.

"Come sit!" Sayori patted the place next to her, she was sitting right on top of the desk. I scooted myself on, setting my backpack on the chair and pressing against her shoulders.

"Sooo..." I began awkwardly.

"Yeah," Natsuki sighed. "I know. It's a lot to... a lot to talk about. You guys don't have to worry about me now though, I'm living with Yuri."
I couldn't help but smirk as I saw Sayori's eyes sparkle with glee.

"Are you comfortable to share with them?" Yuri spoke. It was nice to hear both of them again.
Natsuki grimaced. "Not really... nothing against you guys of course! I'm just not ready to explain everything yet. I'm sure you understand, my dad was not the greatest guy."

"He was awful," I heard Yuri growl under her breath.

"Oh Natsuki!" Sayori jumped down from the desk and squashed Natsuki tightly with a hug. "Gosh I love you so much I'm so sorry about whatever happened but I'm happy you're okay now and living with your bae."

Natsuki snorted with defiance, but returned the hug nonetheless.

Walking over I joined the hug.

"Group hug! C'mere Yuri!" Sayori squealed.

Yuri chuckled and joined, resting her head on Natsuki's head.

After a good squeeze both Sayori and I pulled away. Yuri stayed there for some reason, though.

All of a sudden Natsuki leaned up on her toes and gave Yuri a kiss on the cheek. Yuri giggled and flushed red.

Sayori let out an ear piercing cry.

"Oh shit!" Natsuki stumbled back, realizing her mistake.

"Oh my god!" I couldn't help but smile widely and clap my hands together. Sayori seemed to be broken.

"I-I Ah," Yuri coughed nervously and peeled her eyes to the floor.

Sayori came back to life in an instant, vibrating at speeds that shouldn't even be legal. "When did this happen!!! Oh my god is this real?"
Natsuki folded her arms and growled.

"Nothing happened! I mean... Uh.. jeez I'm so stupidly gay. Why did I have to do that?"

"What just happened?" MC called from the back of the classroom, looking confused. I had honestly forgotten he was there... whoops.

"Natsuki's an angry gay baby!" Sayori chimed back.

"Shut up Sayori!" Natsuki barked in fury.
Yuri covered her face with her hands and let out a beautiful little snort of laughter.

"What're you laughing at!" Natsuki turned and barked at Yuri too.

"You're too adorable," Yuri grabbed Natsuki's cheeks and she immediately stopped. Natsuki reached up again and kissed her right on the lips.

Once again, Sayori let and ear splitting squeal. MC saw what happened this time, and looked in utter bewilderment.

"Did you guys see what I just saw?" He said, mouth agape.

"I know right??? Man I knew you would get together sooner or later. I mean I really hoped so!!!" Sayori jumped up and down.

"Yuri didn't even know that first poem was about her!" I giggled, and Natsuki's eyes flashed.

"Wait... it was?" Yuri blushed scarlet once again. "Did you have a crush on me for that long?"

"Maybe... dummy..." Natsuki grumbled.

"It was longer than that I bet!" Sayori cooed, and Natsuki shot her a glare.

"After all... a lot of girls tend to have a crush on the other but never tell each other in fear of rejection. Seems like it turned out well I suppose, hmm?" I replied, tapping my fingers against my chin.

"Says you, Monika," Natsuki snorted.

"What is that supposed to mean?" I bristled. Natsuki rolled her eyes and pointed to Sayori who was oblivious to anything Natsuki had just said. Blushing, I shook my head. It's different than that.

"You should've told me!" Yuri gasped, bringing around the conversation about Natsuki back again, thankfully on my part.

"We weren't on... best terms at that time. Remember?" Natsuki quietly said. Yuri blinked a few times as she thought for a moment.

"You're right. Well, I'm not one to talk. I never confronted you when I had a crush on you either. I'm not much better, haha!"

"Ehehe, I love you, you big dork." Natsuki seemed totally out of her element, blushing lightly and speaking softly.

"I love you too," Yuri slid her arm behind Natsuki's back and held her waist.

"Y'all are cute!" MC yelled from the back. "You're distracting me from my manga!"

"Let them have this moment!" Sayori looked like she was about to break down and start bawling, or pass out. I couldn't tell which.

After a while of chattering, I noticed how close it was for club time to be done. Blinking at the clock, I slid off the desk I had sat on.

"Okay everyone!" I hadn't said that in a while. "I think it's already time to pack up and go!"

MC snapped from his haze, closing his manga shut and shoving it into his backpack.

Sayori said a few quick words to Natsuki and Yuri before grabbing her bag and slinging it over her shoulders. Sayori trotted over to me and gave me a wide grin. Returning the smile, I looked over to Natsuki and Yuri.

My heart swelled as I saw their hands clasped together. So cute!

"Hey Moni, wanna walk home together?"

"Sure, Sayori," I had already began to walk out of the club room, Sayori skipping behind me.
Soon enough we were both on the sidewalk, walking side by side.

"Hey Moni... I wanted to ask you something." Sayori seemed so downcast all of a sudden.

"Ask away. What's up?" My heart pounded with anxiety.

"Do you love me?"

Yep, that definitely made my stomach do a flip.

"What do you mean? Of course I love you Sayo."

"No I... I mean more than friends." Shit.

" I... uh," I swallowed the hard rock in my throat. If this was the time to tell her, I guess it was. I couldn't lie to her.

"Yeah. Yeah I do. You don't have to feel the same way Sayori, I won't fault you for that. I hope we can still be fri-"

My sentence was cut off as she quickly grabbed my hand and curled her fingers around mine.

"I love you too."

That simple sentence and the warmth of her hand sent shivers down my spine. Even though she looked away, I could see her blush etched onto her face. I felt my own face warm up too.

We walked in silence the rest of the way.

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