new guy, same life

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Beep, beep, beep.

My alarm clock sounds at precisely 6am. Man this stinks, back to school already..

I Slowly drag myself out of bed to the shower, as I stand under the water head. Dark thoughts flash through my mind. Nice try, think you'll even look good? you won't why are you even trying?

I shake my head trying to rid my mind of those thoughts, I've struggled with depression for 3 years now. And to pile that on anxiety gets a piece of me too. But maybe they are right, who could ever look at me like they love and care? No one. After my scorching shower, I put on skinny Jean's and a simple tee with white sneakers. I style it with a ponytail and a simple makeup look.

I open my door to find my mother sitting in the living room.

"Ooh honey are you excited about your first day of junior year?!" She exclaims

"Oh yeah mom, super stoked.." I reply in a sarcastic tone

She laughs and brushes me off, I walk to the kitchen and my phone begins to ring. Oh its Dad, my dad has been in prison for almost 3 years now. We keep hoping he gets out but so far, nothing. I know everyone says this, but my dad truly did nothing wrong. We speak for his 15 minutes that he is given and it goes something like. How are you, I miss you, and I love you.

Just as the phone call ends, I'm getting in my car to leave for school.


As I arrive I walk up to my locker and of course the jocks are already being nuisances in my way.

"Excuse me" I say politely. I have to say this 3 more times before they even acknowledge me. But they eventually move and I get my supplies for first hour.

My first hour is geometry. As usual we go through attendance but I almost miss my name.

"Sarah parker?" Miss jade says

"Here" I quickly say, not wanting the attention on me long.

As I'm looking around the class I notice a new boy. I've been going to this school for years now and I've never seen him before. I must have been staring because he turned and looked at me. I quickly put my face down with burning cheeks. I could feel him looking at me now. But that was the most of our "encounter".

After a few hours it was finally lunch time. I See my friends Kate and jess. I run up and hug them.

"Oh my god, I've missed you" they exclaim

"Guys, its literally been an hour"

"Oh. Well either way I'm so excited we have lunch together!" Jess says

"Me too!" Kate adds

"So have you guys seen the new guy?" I question

"Um, girl there are so many guys in this school you will have to be specific" Kate replied

"Oh geez! You know I have a shitty memory, but I think he had brown wavy hair and he was slightly muscular. He was wearing a grey tee and blue Jean's I think. Either way I have never seen him so he's definitely new." 

"Well for someone with a "shitty memory" you sure remembered him well.." Kate stated

"Yeah.. you think he's cute don't you?!" Jess suggests while giving me a excited look

"Uhm, what no. No! I don't even know him!" I quickly explain

"You are totally interested, we have to find this guy, Jess!"

"No, absolu-" I get cut off by the bell signaling that lunch is officially over.

Nothing to interesting happens from that point forward, other than having 2 other classes with the new kid. As I get in my car to leave I notice this new boy looking at me. It creeped me out, so I quickly started my car and exited the parking lot.

After arriving home I work and do my homework, after that the rest of the night is mine. I browse through Instagram and see that jess got a new cat. She has so many animals, I'm jealous sometimes, but I know they are a handful. I like the photo and scroll past. 

Suddenly I get a text from our group chat
Kate: seriously dude we are not letting go of this, in fact this is the first time you have ever liked anyone since Jason.

Jess: she's right Sarah, maybe this would be good for you. There is a party this Saturday, we all should go together, and even if he isn't there some guy is bound to be interested.

Sarah: omg since you guys obviously are not letting up, I guess I'll go. I dont have anything to wear though so we will have to find something.

Jess: don't worry! I have the perfect dress in my closet that is just dying to be worn, it will look great on you!

Sarah: okay, thanks guys... I'll see you tomorrow!

I set my alarm. Then toss and turn for about 45 minutes until I enter a deep sleep. Saturday is gonna be interesting is my last thought as I'm nodding off.

A/N: this is my first time writing a novel so that being said I'm not sure how good this is, but if it gets lots of positive feedback/reads I will release another chapter. Thank you for reading the first chapter! :)

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⏰ Ultima actualizare: Jul 29, 2018 ⏰

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