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Just like our eyes, our hearts have a way of adjusting to the dark.

-Adam Stanley


I learn pretty quickly that Ashton is a very intense person.

Throughout the rest of the morning after the whole Calum situation, it's like there's a permanent crease in his brow. He speaks in a low, corporate tone, giving me simple but useful instructions on blade wielding and throwing. By the time lunch rolls around, I've got the basic skills down, and feel much better about finding a machete on the island.

I opt for a more fulfilling lunch this time, grabbing a ham and cheese sandwich with some fruit and water. We sit at the place that we've been at since the start, Ashton immediately digging into his food to avoid conversation while I take a good look at the new guests at our table.

Most people don't keep the same seat for every meal. Almost everyone moves around, because it helps to avoid becoming awkward acquaintances with the people you'll be killing later. This makes me and Ashton a noticeable difference, and we've had new table buddy's every single meal.

Today, we're greeted with a wild-haired college age guy and a stocky brunette girl. He flashes a half smirk, half smile as soon as he sits down, and I brace myself for the onslaught of annoyance soon to follow.

"We have a preposition." The guy says, not even a second after his butt hits the chair.

I raise an eyebrow. Ashton just stares at him.

"And?" I ask, taking a sip of my water.

"You'll probably say no at first. But hopefully you'll take some time to think about it." The girl says, her expression somber. She's Latina, with thick eyebrows and piercing brown eyes. Already, I get a vibe of don't mess with me.

Oh no. I can already sense what's coming. They want to be allies.

Allies are a sort of platitude in this game. After all, there's only one winner. (Well, two this year.) You're either going to have to kill them or ditch them eventually, and most people don't want to go through the extra trouble. I don't either.

"We've been scoping out the competition, and there's a lot of it. You two are the only ones who haven't moved from this spot at all since this started."

"So?" Both me and Ashton say at the same time.

"Ok, I'm just going to get straight to the point." The guys says, sighing. "We want to be allies. With you."

There's the punchline.

"Who are you again?" Ashton asks, his brow furrowed.

The guy blinks, like he's surprised at the question. Then, to my surprise, he laughs.

"Oh, right. I must sound like a psychopath. I'm Michael. This is-"

"Wren." The girl cuts him off. "And you are?"

I look at Ashton. He bites the inside of his cheek, turning away.

"I'm Liza. This is Ashton."

"Cool." Michael says, visibly nervous now that Ashton has closed off. I have no idea what happened, but apparently one of their names triggered him? "Well, at least consider the offer?"

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