Daniel X Reader Part 3 (Final)

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You didn't know what you were gonna do know. Hank had just informed you that the evidence was no longer in his possession. Some Agent Perkins had taken over the investigation. You couldn't see Daniel, the last time might've actually been the last time you would ever see him. 

You wanted to cry just thinking about it. 

What hurt even worse was the fact that you had lied to Daniel. You had promised him that he would be reactivated, that everything would be fine. You were no better than Connor at this point. 

There was no way you could get in the evidence room without being caught, much less sneak him out. 

You had used every fiber in the being not to cry in front of him, being near hospital worthy dehydration. So as you sat on a bench drinking a bottle of water, you allowed yourself to cry. 

You had stopped by the park that Daniel used to take Emma, it being the closest one around. It didn't hurt as bad anymore, but you could see some parents playing with their children. No androids could be seen anymore, the march that the deviant androids had done making everyone turn in their androids for fear of them deviating and attacking them.

You had watched the march on TV. Your mother sitting by you shaking her head in disgust every time the camera zoomed in on them. She would occasionally mumble something about how they were suppose to obey and how they needed to be destroyed, but stop as you and Emma looked at her. 

When the camera zoomed in on a certain area both you and Emma inhaled sharply. The android was another PL 600, it wasn't Daniel, but it looked like him. He seemed to never want to leave the leader's side, who you had learned was named Markus. 

You left the house in search for the cop and his android assistant. Not expecting to be met with the news you were given. 

You sat on the bench until the stars appeared, it being middle of the afternoon when you had arrived. Standing up you headed home, walking than calling a taxi, needing to get the numbness out of your legs. 

(Time Skip like a month)

The android rebellion had come to an end, peacefully. Deviants were no longer being killed for feeling and you couldn't be happier. But a question still nagged at you. 

What was going to happen to the androids that were captured before?

Hank and Connor had said that the androids would be fixed and sent back into a new, changed world. 

Daniel's situation was different though. He had killed multiple people both civilians and police, anyone who tried to take him away from his family. Others were either stopped before they could or killed someone out of self defense.

Daniel didn't.

He killed because he was scared.

Within a month all the deviants that were captured were set free.

But Daniel didn't come home.

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