Vegeta: also he destroyed me and almost Kakarot two. He was different. He was more powerful and not as smart.

Beerus: well I can feel something down inside him.

Beerus POV

I could feel an evil presence inside of y/n. I also saw that he had a crush on Goki. I should use that to bring it out. I mean they said he was different before this fight. Let's find out this guys true power.

Goki POV

I looked at lord beerus. He had a smirk on his face. What was he about to do.

Goki: is every thing ok lord beerus.

Beerus:... well I am a man of my word. You wasted my time. Now I will erase you Goki

Goki: wait what!?!?!?

Y/n: no you are just joking right.

Beerus: no.

As beerus walked over to me I was crying inside. I never got to say goodbye to my babies. I wont get to die peacefully. This most be what chi-chi felt.


I watch as chi-chi walked over to beerus for threatening his children and for being about to destroy earth because I was unable to become super sayain goddess. She slapped him

Goki: chi-chi. What did you just do

Before I could react beerus looked at chi-chi and made a four with his hands

Beerus: Hakia

I watch as chi-chi was erased form life I was filled with rage listening to his screams. I then did what beerus wanted the whole time.

End Flashback


I watch as beerus was about to destroy Goki. I could not let that happen then I heard a voice

Unknown: do you want me to stop him

Y/N: Noooi! Not you. But if it means saving her... go ahead


As it took over I was filled with rage like before before I lost control then IT spoke again

Unknown: now that I am in control I will beat them and then kill Goki. Thanks for the body.

3rd Person POV

Y/n walked up to lord beerus and grabbed his hand. Then did a 1 inch punch that sent beerus flying.

Beerus: how the hell did you get so strong

Y/n: ...

The fight began. There where fighting as normal tell it got intense and beerus then started winning.

Beerus:that was fun but that was only 50 present of my power. Time to end this

Once beerus said that y/n started laughing

Y/n: that's only 25% if my full power.

Beerus was full of rage. They both went full power and y/n went ssj2. The fight continued

Then it when on line this until beerus charges his ultimate move

While y/n charged his final Kamahama

Start vid at min 1:28 👍

They collided making a huge explosion. As it was a struggle for victory that the God of Destruction was losing tell the bean ended. And the sphere was about to hit y/n who had lost all his power


Love cliffhangers. Hope you are enjoying and I am wondering if the videos are a good idea to had. Please leave comments with criticism or ideas for he story even compliant are nice. I will hopefully publish another chapter soon but as I said earlier I am not at home right now. Hope you are having a great Day/Night.
Also thanks for reading and a special thanks to  _B1ak3_ he left me a really nice comment and that's why decided to make this chapter 1000+ words as a dedication to him. Love all my reader and hope you are all happy 😃

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