Part 15

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Chapter 15

It shouldn’t have surprised him when she led him straight towards the training room.  For some reason, Ally always brought him here when she had hard news to tell him.  There were a couple of things that did surprise Adam, like the fact that Barron still walked with them.  The man never put himself in the middle of a situation he didn’t have too.  There had to be a reason why Barron was still there.  Was it because the man thought he was a part of whatever Ally had to tell Adam?  Or was there more to this that Adam didn’t know?

As Ally opened the doors to the training room, Adam had another surprise waiting for him.  Ally continued walking into the training room, acting as if the two people sparring were invisible.  Adam stared though.  He couldn’t help himself.  The way the two of them moved captivated him.  Even as they swung and kicked at one another, it looked as if they were dancing.  Their movements were so fluid that Adam had to wonder if they really weren’t dancing.

They must have finally realized he had entered the room, because one of them froze up, giving the other time to sweep her off her feet.  As a loud thump echoed through the training room, Adam finally entered.  His eyes stayed on Amaya as she growled from the mat.  The man holding her down simply tilted his head to the side as if confused, but after Amaya tapped the mat twice, the man jumped to his feet faster than Adam had ever seen another move.

“That is Owen,” Ally said from the other side of the room.  Adam glanced towards her, noticing that Barron stood a little too close to her, as if he were afraid she was going to need protecting, or worse, was going to need to be held back.  Sebastian stood as he always did, with one arm wrapped around Ally, but whereas Barron stayed near for protection, Sebastian held Ally simply because he wanted too.  “You remember Owen?”

“Vaguely,” Adam replied as he tried to think of why the name sounded so familiar.

With a sigh, Ally took a step towards Owen, who had his eyes on Adam.  “You remember Peyton and the crew of kids that came with him from Marcus?  Owen came with them.  He was the silent leader, let Peyton run it while he pulled the boys puppet strings.”

Owen glanced towards Ally with a blank expression.  “You know why I did it.  There was no other way.  They would not have listened to me, a half breed.”

Small bits of Ally’s earlier conversation began to click in his mind.  “He’s the offspring of a mating gone bad?” Adam asked, wincing when Owen snapped his head in Adam’s direction.  “Sorry.”

“I’m used to hearing worse than that,” Owen answered while shrugging.  His eyes looked back towards Ally, and when the woman sent him a small nod, he turned back towards Adam.  “Marcus wanted an alliance between the wolves and his leopards.  He knew that it would be the only way he could really get rid of the black leopards.  You see, if the species of black leopards were gone, completely extinct, any leopard could rule.  We don’t know how or why, but black leopards hold some kind of power over all other leopards, and sometimes that power can be transferred to other species.”

“Only with Ally’s blood,” Adam continued.  “It happened with Isaac.  As long as Ally shares some of her blood with them, they are connected.”

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