Chapter two: First day of school

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Zim woke up still in pain from his leg. He looked beside him and saw Dib sleeping next to him. He pet his hair lovingly. He didn't want this moment to end. But it had to. They needed to get to school. Zim saw some crutches beside him. He grabbed them and started walking to get some food. Once he was done with that he went to wake up Dib.

When Zim got over to Dib he noticed something strange. Like something was glitching. He can't worry about it now he and DIb have to get to school. " Dib stick wake up. We're going to be late." Zim said grabbing his bag with his pak. Dib woke up and got dress. Zim watched he never knew Dib was so was so fit. " Ready." Dib said grabbing some food and his bag. Zim nodded as they walked out the door. Then they started walking to school.

When they got to school they got their class stuff and went to class. They knew it would be a long day. They walked to their first class. When they got there they found out Zim had a different class. " Awww man." Dib said sad that they won't see each other until lunch. They kissed. Soon they pulled away and went to class. " Oh you did not." Tak said walking with her brother to the eighth grade hall. " Oh shush. I'll see you at home." Zim said kissing her forehead. She hugs him. " I'm scared." She said about to cry. " Don't be. I'll be here if you need me." He said pointing to his pak. She nods and heads inside. Then Zim hurried to his first class. This was going to be a long day.

Time skip

Lunch soon came. Dib waited by the door for Zim. He soon saw Zim come up to him. He saw Zim was skinnier than this morning. Zim fell to the ground. He was weak. He knew he shouldn't tell Dib what was going on. That the girls in their grade were making fun of his weight. Dib ran to him and helped him up. " Zim I can feel your ribs. Why?" Dib asked getting worried. " Don't worry about it. Let's just get to lunch." Zim said wanting to eat. Dib nodded and picked up Zim bride style. He goes into the cafeteria. They grab their food and sat down. Their sisters came up to the and sat down. " Zim are you okay?" Tak asked hoping he is. She saw what happened. Zim was being bullied by three girls. They judged him on his weight.

Zim sighs nodding. When he wasn't. He didn't like losing weight now. And for what? Three girls that don't care about him. " I'll be fine Tak." Zim said hoping he will be. He started eating his lunch. He didn't want Tak to keep worrying. Then they all followed behind. Zim finished first though and went outside to wait. Dib sighs feeling like Zim is hiding something from him. " What's wrong Dib?" Gaz asked worried about him. She maybe goth but she still cared about her family and Tak. Zim she didn't know yet. " No. I feel like he's hiding something." Dib said looking at where Zim was. " He is." Tak said picking at her food. She was too worried to eat. " What is it?" Dib and Gaz asked wondering what it is. " He will say on his own. Now eat. Two and a half periods left for Zim and Dib and one and a half for us. We need to eat." Tak said not wanting Gaz to get sick again from lack of food. Then they got back to eating.

Once Dib was done he ran off to class. As he was walking he heard a noise from the bathroom. He dropped his bag to a bag and some crutches he noticed. He ran inside to find Zim puking his lunch out. Dib gasped. He ran off before Zim could see. Zim soon came out. He looked at Dib. " Ready to go home?" Dib said wanting to take Zim home. Zim nodded ready to go. He grabbed his crutches and walked to the door with Dib who was carrying both bags. Then they left until tomorrow.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 25, 2018 ⏰

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