Chapter 4 "Protect the man boobs!"

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                “Well sunshine over there needs tampons and skittles while the rest of us girls need cloths,” Lex replied aggravated.

                “Too much info,” Luke yelled covering his ear. What is he five?

                “Shut up Spiderman,” Julia grunted angry. Maybe she’s the one of her period not me.

                “I wasn’t talking to you,” he shot back. I rolled my eyes at their childish behavior.

                “And I was talking to you,” she snapped. Julia kicked her foot up trying to kick him in the throat but missed and hit him in the boobs.

                “My man boobs are jigging,” Luke yelled gasping. He started to flick them at the nipple. Did I mention he wasn’t wearing a shirt? He defiantly works out. Why are all the hot ones dumb? I swear a unicorn has crapped on his brain and killed most of the brain cells.

                “That hurt baby,” He said, trying to look hurt but not pulling it off. These boys can’t pull off the ‘pouting’ look. I shook my head while Luke still played with is man boobs again. 

                “My poor baby!” Julia shouted. “Are you ok?”

                “Well my man boobs hurt a little but I think I will be fine,” Luke mumbled.

                “I wasn’t talking to you, you, you,” Julia trailed off trying to figure out what to call him.

                “Baby donkey stealer!” Lexi blurted. 

                “What?” Everyone asked her, she shrugged and looked out the window.

                “Kiss it,” Julia depended, she stood with her hands in her hips and lifting her foot off the ground. “Get in one knee and kiss my big toe!”

                “That’s what she said!” Shouted Henry diving for my loving bed and landing on top of me. I can’t breathe! “Protect the man boobs!”

                “Shut up!” Julia shouted sticking out her tong.

                “Why would I listen to a man boob kicker?!” Luke challenged her.

                “Get down on yo knees and kiss my foot,” Julia growled. Luke smirked down at her; I knew he came up with an evil plan. I’m starting to like this boy. Luke got on one knee and slowly bends his head towards Julia’s toe puckering up his lips. Eww, this boy is disgusting, I changed my mind. Luke went to kiss her big toe making me cringe. I closed my eyes.

                “AAAAAHHHH,” somebody screeched. My eyes snapped open to find Julia hopping around on one foot.

                “You ass!” she shouted while attempting to slap him on the chest but missed by a mile and fell onto her face. Everyone started to laugh.

                “Would you like help?” Luke asked while trying to control his laughter but doing a poor job at it. Julia looked up at him and smiled her creep ass smile, I’m not kidding it is the smile you see before something bad goes down like someone getting killed or raped. That’s it, it’s her rape face!  She nodded and extended her hand.

                “Just because I offered doesn’t mean I’m going to do it,” Luke said grinning at her, he waked over to my bed and sat down.

My Possessive KidnapperOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz