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I've been tagged again...
This time by fan4evr

There are rules, I guess.
(I'm giving everyone I tag the permission to ignore the first one)

•You can't refuse, even if you want to•

•You must tag fifteen people•

•You must have a creative title•

•You must give thirteen facts about yourself

•You must post the rules•


Fact number one:
If you leave me alone without entertainment or distractions for too long, I start feeling the overwhelming urge to bawl my eyes out.

Fact number two:
The Fault in Our Stars is the only movie I have ever cried at. Not any other book, movie, tv show, etc. Though Your Lie in April and Hamilton came close.

Fact number three:
I was too terrified of heights to go to the top of the Eiffel Tower, and now I regret it.

Fact number four:
I once had an emotional breakdown in the middle of a canoue ride with other people in the boat.

Fact number five:
I can drink an entire carton of chocolate milk in a matter of minutes.

Fact number six:
I have a disturbingly small appetite unless I'm eating some form of sweets.

Fact number seven:
I was first introduced to Heathers, Hamilton and Be More Chill when I was in grade four.

Fact number eight:
I'm a...what would you call a Ravenclaw with a lion Patronus, a Ravendor? Not sure why that's important info, but meh.

Fact number nine:
I'm supposed to be getting dressed right now.

Fact number ten:
It feels weird to me to say 'number ten'

Fact number eleven:
I can wiggle my ears individually, make my pupils and irises 'vibrate,' and I can make a clover shape with my tongue.

Fact number twelve:
I can put both my legs behind my head and drag myself around with my arms.

Fact number thirteen:
My lucky number are thirteen and six hundred and sixty-six.

I probably won't be able to tag fifteen people, but here goes nothing.


Yea, no, that's all I got.
See you next time I update!

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