Tagged Again!

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Wow, I'm so popular! Here we go!

I've been tagged by the lovely Ruby850

Rules of Tag:

-Mention the tagged person

-Mention the rules

-State ten things about you

-Give a spoiler about one of your books

-Give the tag a title (I'm not going to!)

-Tag 28 people

Ten things about me:

1. I am currently in the process of moving

2. I love reading and writing

3. I bake a lot (I just made chocolate eclairs)

4. I have been to Disney World about 5 times

5. I am going to Paris next year

6. I have one sibling

7. I am very lonely right now

8. I have never been kissed

9. I am in too many fandoms to count!

10. I have way too many crushes

My Spoiler:

Don't trust Kristi!

I Nominate:

























@A_Freak_From_Gotham 25





A new chapter should be up in a few minutes as well.



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