The Night My Life Changed Forever

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My name is Thomas Stanley Holland. I am a 22 year old British actor with appearances is movies like The Impossible and Captain America Civil War; and I am in contract for several more ;). I have lived a good life with my parents, my brothers––Harry, Sam and Paddy––and traveling for the movies I appear in with with my good mate Harrison Osterfield. The best part about that is it was productive for the both of us as I was able to get the director to allow him to be on payroll as my personal assistant.

It was the last day of shooting for my own new movie, Spider-Man Homecoming. I was going to the club with my mates Jacob and Zendaya. Honestly, it was such a treat to get to spend so much time with the two of them. Zendaya is an amazing person and we always had dance in common. Jacob was fun as well! Man could the two of us just banter off of each other. 

We got to the club in New York where we were for part of the press tour before the release of the movie. This was the first time that we were all together apart from filming. This was going to be a night to remember, but I did not know just how much I will forget and yet remember it (if that even makes sense).

Once we got to the club we all got to the bar and we got the drinks that we liked. Zendaya got a club soda, Harrison and I got a beer, and Jacob got champagne. We took our seats with each other silently, not knowing what do to or say seeing as most of out time with each other was spent on set. So, when Harrison started to talk to Jacob I talked to Zendaya. 

She is the only one that knows that I am gay (I know surprise surprise). It honestly took so long for me to come to terms with it. I always kind of had the thought in the back of my head, especially being surrounded by dancers during my classical training. I always found myself looking at the boys rather than my female counterparts. There was just something so elegant about my co-male dancers.

 The thought of telling Harrison that I was gay was overwhelming, let along telling him that I have liked him since I met him?  I met him because he was a cute boy that was in my drama class in secondary school. I befriended him all too quickly and started to really get to know him. It was terribly thrilling to be so close to the guy I knew I wanted to be with. 

Zendaya and I started talking about how the press tour was going and then she mentions Harrison. I thought I was good at hiding my feelings for him, though when she snickered to herself, I knew that was simply not the case. She went on to ask how I felt about him, knowing full well that I like him. 

"Have you considered asking him out? I mean it is kind of obvious that he likes you too. Why else would he be willing to travel with someone as annoying as you?" Zendaya teased. 

"You really think he likes me? I mean why would he, as you said, I am annoying af." I responded, playing the sympathy card.

As if on cue Harrison and Jacob tap me on the shoulder and I jump a little. Fucked if they heard what Zendaya and I were talking about. They both laugh at me for jumping and ask what we were talking about. I turned bright red as I turned towards Zendaya and we both nervously laughed.

"Nothing..." We both said at the same time. My hope that they would let this go unwavering.

"Whatever you say you two." Jacob says as he turns around to get another drink.

There we were it was just Harrison, Zendaya and I, and I did not know what to do. I was so embarrassed about what just happened that I did not want to look at Harrison, which only made Zendaya snicker in my ear as she watched my expressions.

"Well, I am out of my beer and so are you. Would you like another one?" Harrison asks as he holds his glass up and turns it upside down. 

"I would love one." I say, forgetting to hand him my glass.

Tom Holland x Harrison Osterfield // Torrison // Not Finished // FluffWhere stories live. Discover now