Nerve Wracking Meetings

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These past few days have been an absolute bliss for both Luna and Matteo. They didn't leave each other's side for a minute. Only when they had to head back to their own houses. It was hard to separate them these days. The only thing is that their friends and family don't know yet, they don't know they're dating. They've been doing this in secret the entire time.

They both had their reasons for it but they both knew that one day, they'd have to tell everyone because there's no way they can hide what they feel for so long. They didn't look forward to it but they had to. They were scared which made it even harder. They've avoided talking about this for a while now but the time has come, they needed to have that conversation. They both agreed silently on this.

They decided to meet at their usual spot to discuss things, nobody they know goes there. They always met at the red bridge in the Japanese garden in Buenos Aires. They both got their around the same time. When they saw each other, they smiled at one another and walked faster towards the bridge. When the other was in reach, Luna and Matteo went in for a hug. This hug felt like a reunion that was long overdue and in some kind of way it was. They always missed each other so much when they were apart. There was no denying that. It turned Matteo into a cheesy guy who sends his girlfriend voicemails wishing her goodnight and tells her he loves her. It became a routine.

She didn't mind this at all, in fact, she was always anxious to wait for a new voicemail. She felt really lucky to have found a guy like that. She's never been this happy and it showed. Her parents noticed her sudden mood change and asked her about it but she didn't say a word like they agreed upon.

After what seemed forever, they pulled away from each other and kissed each other very quickly o the lips, they had something very important to discuss so the kissing will have to wait.

"What are we going to do about our friends and family?" Luna was the one to start the dreadful conversation.

"I think it's time we tell them." He answered. "They're already suspecting something." He said as he remembered Gastón's teasing when all this time for the past few days, all Matteo has ever did was get distracted by the thought of her. Luckily, he didn't know why he was like this because the puns would be thrown around his head all the time but that will come to an end soon.

"Maybe you're right." She commented with a somewhat sad face. "Do you think we're ready?" she finally looked up from her hands leaning on the bridge and looked right into his eyes.

"Well, I'm ready to show off my girlfriend to the world." Matteo said with a teasing smile.

She couldn't help but smile at this. "How do you think they'll react?"

He noticed the worry on her face and took her hand in his to ensure her. "They'll probably be surprised but I'm sure they'll be happy for us. After all, we're soulmates, right?" he added a smile to this to make her relax. It didn't seem to ease her anxiousness so he pulled her in for another hug. "It'll all be okay, you'll see." He stroked her hair and put his chin on her head. He pulled her in as close as he could as if it was to protect her from the world outside and somehow she needed that feeling. It's crazy how they knew each other so well since they've only met about a week ago. But they seemed to know each other their entire lives and if this is what soulmates, Matteo didn't mind, he even liked it.

A little while later, they decided to go tell their friends and family together. Which was pretty nerve wracking because they haven't met each other's friends and family yet. But this was something they had to do. They agreed to go to Jam & Roller first since almost all of Matteo's friends are there. He was scared it would be overwhelming for her, meeting so many new people at once so he took her hand and squeezed it. "I will stay with you through all of this, I promise."

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