Together at last

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~ Hongmom has logged on ~

~ GiantMaknae has logged on ~

GiantMaknae: Why are we the only two online?

Hongmom: Because today is the day you will tell Yuto about your love for him

GiantMaknae: Today is the day for what!!!!!!???????!?!?!?!?!?!?

Hongmom: You heard me right young boy

Hongmom: Time to tell him

GiantMaknae: No no no no no no no no no no no and absolutely no

~ Hongmom has locked the chatroom ~

Hongmom: Don't even think about it maknae

GiantMaknae: Let me out Hongseok!!

Hongmom: Nopp, time to tell him love boy

GiantMaknae: But I don't feel like that for him

Hongmom: Oh really. So that was the talk you and I had in a chatroom not  so long ago




Hongmom: Nothing to say I see

Hongmom: I will make him log on now and don't you DARE to log off

GiantMaknae: But mom

Hongmom: Prepare yourself for what you should say instead

~ Hongmom has unlocked the chatroom ~

~ Hongmom has invited Takoyaki prince to log on ~

Takoyaki prince: Hongseok that is so important this early in the morning??

Hongmom: Wooseok has something to tell you so I will leave you two alone

GiantMaknae: Don't you dare to leave me Hongseok

Hongmom: Bye bye Wooseok and good luck

~ Hongmom has logged off ~

Takoyaki prince:


Takoyaki prince: So?????


Takoyaki prince: Did you have something to tell me?

GiantMaknae: is typing

Takoyaki prince: ?????

GiantMaknae: No nothing it's just Hongseok playing a prank

GiantMaknae: I will log off now. Bye Yuto

~ Hongseok has locked the chatroom ~

Takoyaki prince: It seems like Hongseok wants you to be online a bit longer

GiantMaknae: Remember me that I will kill him later

Takoyaki prince: Haha, sure I can do that

Takoyaki prince: Now please tell me what's wrong Wooseok, I'm here for you

GiantMaknae: I just don't think

Takoyaki prince: So stop thinking then, it always makes everything so much more compliceted. You are my best friend Wooseok and I want to know when something is wrong for you

GiantMaknae: maybeIdon'twanttobejustbestfriendsanymore

Takoyaki prince: I'm sorry Wooseok, but I don't understand anything of what you just wrote


Takoyaki prince:


Takoyaki prince:

GiantMaknae: Yuto please say something

Takoyaki prince: Is typing

Takoyaki prince:

GiantMaknae: I knew this was a dumb idea

GiantMaknae: I will for sure kill Hongseok later

GiantMaknae: Yuto I will leave my phone now and see if Hongseok can open up the chatroom

Takoyaki prince: NO STAY!!!!


Takoyaki prince: I'm sorry Wooseok that I didn't respond back directly, but I couldn't and can still not really believe what you just wrote

GiantMaknae: I know, I'm gross for liking you. My hyung, my best friend, a boy

Takoyaki prince: No not at all Woosoek!! Never and I mean never think like that, because

GiantMaknae: Because what?

Takoyaki prince: Because I like you too

GiantMaknae: You do??

Takoyaki prince: Of course I do. Who would not like you

GiantMaknae: So everything you have said

Takoyaki prince: Has been true

GiantMaknae: I don't know what to say

Takoyaki prince: You don't need to say anything, but it would be nice to see you in person right now

GiantMaknae: I'm coming

Takoyaki prince: Let us log off first

GiantMaknae: You know how to do

Takoyaki prince: Of course I do

Takoyaki prince: Babe 😏

GiantMaknae: 😳😳😳

Takoyaki prince: Aww is not my boyfriend the cutest when he is shy

GiantMaknae: Shut up!! I'm on my way

~ GiantMakane has logged off ~

Takoyaki prince: 😏😘

~ Takoyaki prince has logged off ~


Wow I'm really bad in update this story and I'm so sorry for that. I have seen all comments and everyone who has voted and added this story to their library, and you cant understand who thankful and happy I be every time I see that.

I can't promise to be better on update this but I will try my best and it will come small updates now and then 😃😘

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