Chapter 20

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I wake up the next morning and smile, feeling Olive still pressed up against me. I fix my glasses, which I had forgotten to take off the night before, and look down at her. Her head moved from my neck down to my chest and her hair dried with natural waves as it lays smoothly on her shoulders and back. Her legs are tangled with mine as both of our blankets are messily laying on top of us. One of her arms is still draped over the top of my waist while the other one lays beneath her. I can hear her breathing softly as I sit silently trying not to wake her up.

I feel a buzz come from my back pocket and slowly reach down to grab my phone and see who texted me.

Drew: Autumn and I are out shopping right now and we'll be gone most of the day. I told mom about Olive being over and she doesn't mind how long she stays, "be respectful" is all she said. Also Jason came by to give you something, but since you two were still sound asleep, he said he would just give it to you later. I think it might be a gift for your bday. I'll see you tonight.

I send back a reply.

Me: Thanks Drew. I'll talk to you later.

I then send a text to Jason.

Me: Hey, sorry I wasn't awake to see you stop by. Do you need to give me something?

I look at the time to see it is 9:53 a.m. and set my phone down tiredly. I look down to see Olive shift in her sleep and her hand moves so it's laying softly on my stomach. I lightly rub my thumb on the bottom of her back in little circles, feeling her heart beat softly. My phone buzzes under my hand and I flip it over.

Jason: I have your present. I'm leaving in an hour to bring my sister the rest of her things because she's moving out so I thought that I'd just give it to you early.

Me: Do you want me to stop by and get it?

Jason: Is Olive still over?

Me: Yes... but she's sleeping. I can just stop by and leave a note just in case she wakes up while I'm gone.

Jason: That would be great but I can always leave it on my porch for you to get later.

Me: Don't worry about it. I'll be over soon.

Jason: Alright cya.

I turn my phone off and look down at Olive once again.

"How am I supposed to do this without waking her up?"

I take in a quick breath and grab the biggest pillow behind Olive and bring it closer to me. I think for a moment before sitting up slightly, causing Olive's sleeping form to rise with me, and slipping the pillow behind my back. I softly put one of my hands under her head and the other under her side and carefully lift her while moving my body out from underneath her. I twist my body so I'm on my knees and place her onto the pillow as if it were me. I hold still for a few seconds as she shifts for a second before pausing, still asleep.

I get up quietly from the chair and walk over to the game table and pull out a pen and paper.

"Good morning.
I have headed out to get something from Jason, but I should be back shortly.
You are 100% free to leave if you want, but if you choose to stick around and wait, you can just stay down here. The rest of my family is out so you don't have to worry about them."

I think for a second before setting the items down and running up the stairs. I go into the kitchen and pull out the pre-cut fruits my mom had left in the fridge along with yogurt. I set them on the counter before grabbing a simple plater and two bowls. I fill one of the bowls up with fruits like pineapples, grapes, apples, blueberries, and strawberries while the other I fill halfway with yogurt. I go into the pantry and grab granola and sprinkle some of it on top of the yogurt. Once I'm finished I set the two bowls on the plater along with a napkin, fork, and spoon. I then grab a small glass and fill it up with the rest of the SunnyD and place it also on the plater.

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