A sunset in her soul...

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23rd July 1909

It was lunch time and Mrs.Wellington, the cook, had made shepherd's pie and some potted shrimp.

'Ah yes the people at the church were very interested but I suppose it is a matter of choice...', said Mr.Van Der Bilt in monotone.

'Father those people don't have a brain to think of their own well being and I just think that...', said Mathew in a very irritated tone.

To Madeleine it was all just noise in the background as she was staring out the window that was behind her brother.She was out of it..completely forgetting where she was and what was happening.

It was as if she had forgot she was surrounded by people...as if she was in another time and another place.Her mind was not yet ready to come back to reality and start functioning normally.

'What do you think Madeleine?', her brother asked her with interest but received no answer from her.Her physical body was at the table but her mind was millions of miles away.

Mathew: 'Madeleine?'

Mamma: 'Darling is something the matter?'

Mr.Van Der Bilt touches her hand which pulls her back to reality with a confused look.

She looks around with everyone looking at her with worried eyes.

'Yes', she manages to say.

'Is anything the matter love? Do you not like the food?', Mrs.Van Der Bilt asks in a worried tone.

'No the food is fine I just do not feel the need to feed myself at the moment..I am going up to my room I just feel so tired', she replies in a weary tone.

'But you are always in ,resting...don't you think you should be out of that room of your's and be in the land of living?', Mathew Interjects.

'Let her go Mathew she should rest if she wants to', said Mr.Van Der Bilt in a stern manner.

'I will ask the maid to get you a tray later on', says Mrs. Van Der Bilt.

Madeleine nods and leaves the room.

'Oh Cornelius she worries me', says Mrs.Van Der Bilt to her husband.

'She has been sick for months..it will take time for her to get well Elsie', he replies.

'It is not her health that worries me so much'.

'Then?', he asks while finishing up his lunch.

'Its the way she is..I find her distant..she is here but not really here...'

'What would you have me do dear?', he interrupts her.

' I am no doctor or spiritual healer..she is a grown woman and she has been sick for sometime now,like I said she will be better',he says in an irritating way.

At this he leaves the room instructing the butler to bring in coffee to his study.

'It is useless to talk to him about this matter..he will never understand nor will he try mamma', says Mathew while leaving the room.

To this Mrs.Van Der Bilt thinks to herself that whatever it is to be done for Madeleine, she will have to do it herself.


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