Chapter 1

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His eyes fluttered open, adjusting to the dimming light of an evening sun. He was lying down on his side, his body facing a patch of short, golden colored grass. He sleepily extended his arm to feel it, and to his surprise, the grass felt like velvet. It was warmed from the shining sun.

The boy sat up, and felt instantly dazed. How long have I been out here? He looked around.

He found himself in an endless rolling field of golden grass. The presence of a few trees, dotted across the horizon, were silhouettes against the dimming light of a newly created sunset. The sky was splotched with glowing white billows of clouds. He awed at the sight of two silvery spheres hanging high above his head, one was smaller than the other, yet they both seemed to glow with brilliance. Faintly shimmering stars blanketed the sky and could be seen everywhere he looked.

He stood up, but struggled as he felt a heavy weight drag him down. Something was attached to his upper back. He turned his head as much as he could, and saw something worth pinching himself for.

"Why do I have these?" Reaching his hand backwards, he touched the tip of a white, angelic wing. The feathers were soft, yet sturdy. If he could guess, these wings were his, and useless as far as flying.

The wings flinched slightly. Wait, they can move...? Can I move them? The boy seemed to concentrate all of his strength into his back. Suddenly, one wing spread out slightly, and dipped down a little, then sprung back to its resting position.

He concentrated harder. This time, both wings flapped suddenly. The boy giggled as the tips of the wings tickled the sides of his face and neck.

And, what exactly am I wearing? His clothes consisted of loose, oversized black shorts, and a thick-strapped white tank top. On the front of his shirt, there was a small blue 'X' that was imprinted on the left of his shirt, near his collar bone.

He thought the blue X was strange, but didn't bother messing with it.

He also noticed his hair had matted in messy clumps of light blond. He thought it was because of how he was unconscious in these fields. But for how long, exactly?

He was still getting used to carrying the weight of his wings. And what was even harder was enduring the pang of hunger in his belly. "Is there anywhere to go and eat around here...?" The boy muttered to himself.

Suddenly, a blot of bright orange-red appeared for a split second before disappearing into the golden grasses. The boy snapped his head toward the movement, and watched intently to see if it would reappear. And it did, seemingly getting closer.

As it appeared for the third time, he could make out the shapes of two ears, and a white tipped tail. Then, the creature no longer appeared for quite some time.

The boy stood and stared at the direction of the appearances. There was nothing to see except the light breeze ruffling the moor grass like flattening fur.

"Hi there. What's your name?"

The boy yelped with surprise and took a couple stumbling steps forward. He hit the ground hard with his wrists, and spun around, sitting on the flattened grass.

A fox, the same color as the bright red-orange he had seen earlier, had snuck up behind him. The fox's brush was white tipped as well as his muzzle, and the fur rimming his eyes. Its paws looked like they had been drenched in black dyed pools. Curiosity shone brightly in its vibrant green eyes.

"I'm sorry... but who exactly are you? And where am I?" The boy was confused about many things. "And why do I have wings?" And why is there a talking fox...?

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