Chapter 3

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Lucas lowered his head, and muttered, "Thanks, Atlas." But the Fox didn't hear him as he continued to stride into the hallway of his own den. "Hey, wait, where are you going?!"

Atlas twisted his head to face the boy. "I'm just getting this flower ready for the trip. Wait there," he mumbled around the plant in his mouth.

Lucas nodded solemnly, and tucked his knees into his chest, careful not to lean back onto his wings. Should I trust him after all? He gently tugged at his black feathers, clearly feeling his strokes through his wings.

He gazed around the hollow den. The morning sun's light cracked through a small crevice etched in the ceiling. Clouds of dust particles passed through the light, illuminating themselves, and reflecting light to further brighten the room. The natural orange-yellow glow made Lucas feel calm. This smell seems really familiar. He took in a deep breath, enjoying the sweet, wafting scents, then lowered his head to rest between his knees.

After a few silent moments of thinking, Lucas suddenly stood up, and made his way to the den's entrance, and disappeared over the top.


"Lucas, let's go. We've got a long day ahea—" Atlas gazed around his den. He was alone in his home. His shoulder fur rose in alarm. "Lucas?" His voice echoed around the dirt-packed walls. For Falorvane's sake, where did he run off to?!

He sloppily scrambled over his den's entrance, wanting to find Lucas as soon as possible. "Lu—" He cut off his voice as his eyes instantly settled on a a pair of wings. His shoulder fur gradually lowered, before taking calm strides to sit beside the child.

"What am I? I heard you thinking about me not being a Mal, but something else. What does that mean?"

Atlas gazed at Lucas with shock. "You could hear my thoughts the entire time?" He frustratingly brushed his tail along the pebble-ridden earth beneath his paws.

Lucas nodded guiltily and slouched. "I pretended to not hear anything."

"I understand that you have plenty of questions, but we really should get going. I'll give you more answers along the way."

"Where are we going anyways?" Lucas didn't take his eyes off of the line of a purple-looking forest. This place is so weird . . .

"I have to take you to the Judgement Palace, along with Astra and Briar."

"This is all so confusing . . ."

"That's why I told you that I'll give you answers on the way. Once we arrive, most of your confusion will be gone." Atlas turned around, and began to pad along their newly laid path. He turned his head to gaze at Lucas' back expectantly.

Lucas hesitated at first, then hauled himself to his feet with a deep sigh. "Where is this Judgement Palace?" He scratched the back of his neck.

Atlas clearly saw the confusion and fear in Lucas' eyes, yet he was surprised to see a calm smile. You're bold, Lucas.

Lucas' smile grew wider, seeming to react to Atlas' personal commentary.

"It's located in Sector 12, which also consists of the archangel and Divine bases. I must say it's magnificent." Atlas raised his chin proudly.

They began their journey at a slow pace, side-by-side.

"Well what's a Sector?" Every sentence the fox spoke made his head spin with confusion. This is almost like a comic book . . .

"A Sector is what we beings call the levels of this place, the Underworld." Atlas continued to answer the boy's questions.

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