Sado's nightmare. Trigger warning for death and blood

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(He posted this himself, no idea why but he did.)

"You are my sunshine." She began to sing. The sound reached his ears and his eyes widened.

"Stop it." She only smiled.

"My only sunshine."

"Sydney please." He gripped the shirt of his companion. The woman smiled weakly and placed her hand on the other's hand.

"You make me happy." Sado choked and shook his head.

"Stop it. Yer gonna be alrigh' I promise. Jus' breathe." His other hand pressed down on the wound to try and slow down the bleeding. Sydney winced but still smiled up at him.

"When skies are grey." Sado wiped tears away furiously and shook off hands of people trying to separate them.

"Ya can't leave me. Ya jus' can't Sydney please. I need ya." He said desperately. Her breathing became ragged.

"You never know...dear." She ran a hand through his hair and stroked his face one last time. He leaned into her touch and looked at her, the tear streaks running down his cheeks. They locked eyes and both their eyes flooded with tears that fell freely.

He could see it in her eyes. She didn't want to die. She was scared. Still, she smiled. He brought his hand up to brush her hair from her face and they shared one last kiss. Her chest heaved up and down. They separated and stared at each other once more.

"How much...I love... you." Her eyes finally fluttered shut and he sobbed violently. His shoulders shook from the force. Her chest no longer moved. He clung to her lifeless body and rocked back and forth, whispering her name over and over as if it would bring her back to him somehow. He drew in a ragged breath.

"Please don't..." he whispered into her unhearing ears.

" sunshine... away." 

Written by Sado

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