Chapter Fourteen [Part 1/3]: The Small or Very Determined

Start from the beginning

Swan laughed low, it shook through me, a pleasant sound that brewed fear inside me. She wasn't intimidated at all. "Oh, I'm not going to let you get the chance."

Daniels pressed a button on his wrist and dashed out of the lab, sword in hand, he was saying something into it as he left.

Swan pushed off of the metal grate floor quickly, propelling us both towards the door before it could shut. We flew through and smacked the wall in the corridor as she'd overshot the distance a little. Daniels was out of sight, but I could still smell his sickening burning scent.

Natalia let go of my middle, letting herself catch her breath, leant against the wall. Brushing aside the residual headache, I'm pretty sure that's what she was doing because my head was still buzzing. "We're going after him right? He can't be allowed to get away with what he's done."

Swan's lips lifted into another smile as she pushed herself to stand straight again. "I'm going after him, you need to go see father, tell him what's happened, and for gods sake, don't mention that we're partially resistant to abyss lights when we stand close to each other. I don't want hellfire to be any more affective on me."

"Father?" I felt a little sick for two reasons, one of them was not wanting to go see him at a time like this. "So, when you mentioned being an Andersen," I swallowed back the other reason.

She nodded her head, "Now go," her hand outstretched, pointing towards the other end of the hall.

I shook my head, "No, I'm staying with you. You might need my help, and I want to see him dealt with as much as you do."

"Oh, I severely doubt that." She observed aloud, then sighed. "Very well. It's too likely you'll walk straight into trouble if I let you go alone anyway."

"What about Jake?" I shivered, thinking about what Daniels had said.

"Aylesbury?" Voice quizzical for a second, then she shrugged. "He's a big boy, he can take care of himself."

"But..." I went to open my mouth, but she placed a static finger to my lips to silence me.

"First things first. I need an ear piece and we need some weapons. There's a weapons locker up the hall for emergency situations that high level agents have clearance to. March. We'll be no good without something to take Daniels head off with." She pointed off towards the locker, I couldn't see it along the hall so I had to trust her directions.

I followed her towards a key pad locked door a corridor length and turning away from where we had been. Feeling the charge between us, much like the livewire I felt around Griffin, only this was more of a reinforcement than a turn on. I was glad, knowing that she was at least half my sister. I didn't even have time to get into the amount of questions that dragged up into my mind, like why I hadn't ever known about her or why she was here?

She tried to access the door and swore under her breath. "It seems Daniels found a way to block my code remotely."

"So... we have to find another weapons locker?" I bit my lip.

She rolled her eyes and looked over at a vent some way down. "No, you stay right here." She walked towards it, her hands blurring about the screws holding the vent shield in place and the metal face fell to the ground with a clatter a moment later before she streaked up into the crawl space. I was very still, waiting to hear her over my head, she was silent. I couldn't even detect her movements vibrations. Then I could hear something, a loud crash and a low pitched alarm going off. Moments later the door opened from the inside, a hole through the ceiling, metal bent outwards and parts of debris everywhere. I just stood there, watching a red light flash from inside with my mouth wide open.

She slipped an ear piece in and tuned into a frequency on the pack that was attached to it. It was a tiny pack, not like the ones worn on morning television. She pressed a finger to the ear piece, "Cole, this is agent Swan, call off the red alert in the weapons locker on the sub-basement level. It was me. Daniels is rampaging and responsible for the lock out on it."

I could just barely hear his voice on the other side, sly as he spoke.

      Swan, so glad to hear you're ok. I had my doubts, all hell seems to be breaking loose all over Trinity. It's like watching chess with a third player sneaking in and trashing all the rules.

"Don't I bloody know it." She breathed a frustrated sigh, but it was relieved too. "Get out an alert on Daniels, swing to kill, bullets are going to be useless now. He's ultra Scavenger class, and not to be trusted."

      Units Three, Seven and Nine are all at your disposal, I'll tune them into this link. They'll be on the lookout. If you see any other Unit agents, be aware, some will be suspicious for Andersen's sake, some are more likely under Daniels direct influence.

 "What of Zero?" Swan asked, slipping her pack into a little hidden pocket in her dress and grabbing out a sword from the locker and throwing it at me. I caught it clumsily, barely avoiding the loss of a finger.

    It doesn't look good for them. They are at this moment indisposed. It'll either right itself quickly, or Daniels will wipe the floor with them whilst they're weak. Either way, they are suspected as traitors, treat them as such. Unless you want to be skinned alive by your father.

"Understood sir," She picked up two small guns, tossing one at me and lifting her skirt to tuck hers into a thigh strap.

I caught the gun much easier, despite its awkward shape and, with a shaky hand, stuffed it between my trousers tight waist band and my back.

"Just as a matter of curiosity, sir, what exactly do you have to do with all this?" Her voice sharp as she picked up a samurai styled sword, a katana, like my father's collection back home but much less ornate.

     I could hear the smirk on the other side of the bandwidth.

            Being in the right place at the right time. Saying a few things here, a few thing's there. Watching the fireworks from a comfortable distance.

"I would expect nothing less, sir." She breathed, walking out from the weapons locker where the lights stopped flashing red. "Swan out." She slammed the door and pulled the gun from my back, taking several shots at the key pad. A loud beep made her lips curve up. "Alright, let's go." She tucked the gun back into my trousers and moved forward.

"What was that about?" I frowned at her, as I took loads of little steps to keep up. I was at least a foot shorter than her. I got it from my mum, who was a few inches shorter than me.

"Making sure only the small and very determined can get back into that locker for now."  

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