Chapter Fourteen [Part 1/3]: The Small or Very Determined

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                      -Kate Andersen-

Swan had shown up like a glowing angel in the dark room, but my eyes were adjusting to the sapping lights. The pain buzzing through my head becoming manageable, yet it never really simmered down. I could see Daniels lurking in the darkness, pacing like a hyena simply waiting for its prey to be distracted enough to launch at viciously.

I had known her so very little time, but I could see her skin ripple and shake under the green and blue lights. Her weakness visible. It seemed wrong.

Their fight was a blur to me between the word sparring and the rapid movements they both made. Bouncing about the room, colliding and sending each other back.

She was an Andersen, the thought had been tumbling around in my head. Her scent hadn't been simply familiar. It was familial. Something I couldn't comprehend.

The fight outside turned more turbulent, Daniels brute strength was outweighing her precision whilst drained.

I could feel myself pushing my fists against the energy field around me. They shot back each time, desperation over shadowing the death of hope with every failed attempt to break out. I was conscious to my actions, but most of my thoughts were locked up somewhere far in the back of my mind. Only a few streaming to the surface in babbled words.

"Oh god... oh god... oh god...." I squealed, watching a fist to Natalia's stomach that sent her into a worktop disguised by the lights. Her back smacked against it before she slid to the floor. Blue and green mottling her skin, making it pulsate visibly, her muscles shaking as if she were being electrocuted. She was trying to push herself up, but couldn't and Daniels had regained his weapon.

I crouched at the back of the energy cage that surrounded me, took a deep breath and held it as I lunged forward for it. Fire in my spasming muscles, electricity warping through my nerves making all my hair stand painfully on end, static frazzling my ears and a heavy blur coating my vision, all I could hear was a loud shriek that made my lungs and throat feel as if they had been sliced. Then I felt a heavy clump as my head and chest smacked full speed into my target a few feet the other side of the cage. It tumbled to the side, metal clattering against metal, heavy muscle echoing next to the metal. I had slumped awkwardly halfway between a large body and the metal grate floor which I rolled to, body quaking much like Swan's, hoping I could get myself up before he managed to. But I felt limp and on fire. I could hear myself crying, then held my breath in to stop the noise like a sharp sword through my ears.

The vibrations in the floor told me Daniels was up and about to grab his sword once more. But there was a lithe set of feet and a cool hand that pulled me up to my feet. An arm wrapping around my waist. Her life force was strong, sending shivers through me that brought my muscles back under control, a soothing sensation. I could breathe properly again. My eyes clearing to see Swan scowling at Daniels as if she could call the fury of hell up through the floor at him.

I stared up at her, a brave soldier unshaken by being knocked down. She was standing taller, her muscles relaxing under the lights more with every second we were so close to each other. I looked at the fabric of our clothes, statically pulling towards each other, small sparks of electricity jumping from one to the other. It burned in my muscles, a good burn.

She glanced at me and then down at the little sparks, eyebrows raising before looking back out at Daniels. A subtle smile appearing on her face, that was both delightful and menacing. "It appears, this serum knows it came from the same bottle."

Daniels red pupils, shining in the dim, locked on the connection as he backed up towards the steps, sword out. "She shouldn't have been able to breech that field, with such a feeble mind." His voice shook a little. "It makes no difference, the more difficult you make this, the more painful I will make your downfalls." He warned.

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