Chapter Four [Part 1/5]: Superiority

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                              -Jake  Aylesbury-

The sound of machines beeping next to my head, the sting of light shining through my eyelids, reverberating pain rolling through my body as it tingled and stung. My lungs had struggled to recycle air, my heart was slow to beat. When I woke to a hospital room as a Nocturnal I was not so lucky as the others had been with their serums.

We each had a unique version of it pumping through our veins. Mine was not simply faulty, but my body had apparently tried to reject it. Instead of perfecting some cells and enhancing others, it had started out like a cancer eating me away from the inside out. Once it had settled in and started to make repairs on the damage done from the chemical warfare it had waged within, I was left vulnerable in comparison to the others.

I was not as fast or as strong. Although I was more resilient than the average human, the flaws in the serum I'd been injected with meant I was much easier to kill than other Nocturnals.

I remember hearing about Mead's treachery. Reaching out to Rin. Then all our eyes turned towards the doorway of the ward where Amy Norton stood. She had her hands folded behind her back, her eyes were bright and optimistic. Her hair was short even then, her fringe just a little too long as she brushed it out of the way of her vision.

She crossed the sterile white floor tiles and walked round to the other side of my bed and perched on it, exchanging a glance with Rin who sat across from her.

"Good to see you pulled through the change, we were worried about you." Amy smiled sweetly at me, innocent despite the blood on her hands.

I nodded my head, my eyes squinted past the burning light to see she was about to take leave. It was evident as she always wore summer dresses when she wasn't on duty. She liked to shed death at the door if she could help it. She hadn't had leave in six months.

"Nicodemus was most concerned, in case the serum was a deliberate plant. You know, sabotaged." She leant forward, brushing my hair aside, it had stuck damply to my sweaty forehead and my skin prickled to the cool air of her breath across it.

I frowned. "You mean... this isn't normal." The room shook with my every word, at least it felt as if it did. Electric coursing through my brain like a turbulent rip-tide against rocks.

Amy shook her head, amused. The vibration from the quick movement making my whole body sting. Rin leant back, her movements were slow and sure, unlike Amy's they were completely smooth. I felt the ache, but not the throb in my head. She rested her head on Norton's shoulder.

"Evidently not." Takeichi had answered softly, closing her eyes.

"I feel so loved." King muttered whilst puling his pillow over his head. I could just about see it out of the side of my vision. He was alone on his side of the hospital room cringing at the light levels more so than I was.

"You took your serum on easily enough, it didn't almost kill you... a second time." Amy's voice was light, jovial. But still rang through my ears like clashing symbols. I flinched.

"What Norton means," the cold, smooth voice of our resident femme fatal rung from the doorway where a tall, at the time, blurry blonde stood. Her arms crossed, her lips pert. "Is that you're really not worth the fuss." Swan was turned towards him as far as I could tell. She wasn't a Nocturnal then.

"Ah, so the viper returns." King grumbled.

I think she sent him a daggered look. Only she was still a blur to me in the bright light. She was pallid even then and reflected the florescence over head.

BREATH . OF . LIFE . ~ { ReGenisis Chronicles Book I }Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon