Chapter 15 - "A Familiar Face"

Start from the beginning

James(laughing like a crazy person): "This new potion that I created envelops the target with an acidic cloud that not only melts the body and its insides, but it also heightens their sense of pain!"

Mara: "So, basically... anyone inside that ominous black cloud of poison will not only have their whole body and their insides melted, but they'll also experience immense pain since their senses have been heightened to a degree that even a single gust of wind makes them scream.

Draiz: "Arufaz!"

Mara: "However, unfortunately for you, your potion is an entity of matter. Meaning..."

Arufaz: "Luck isn't in your side today..."

James: "What in the-... but, how?! What did you do?!!"

Mara: "While it is true that you have made an impressive potion ingeniously built for torture. Arufaz, here, can destroy any form of physical matter. It seems that you hadn't thought this through, have you?"

Arufaz: "Yeah... what she said... stick to the program, already..."

James: "I-I don't know what you're talking about! If this is some sort of trick...?!"

Mara: "It's all real Jamie. You just won't accept the harsh & cruel reality of your miserable life. Stop for a moment and let what I'll say sink in to your feeble brain so you can think it over in the afterlife... compared to true power, you're not even a scratch on the surface."

James: "What-...?!"

Arufaz: "He's hopeless... Draiz, he's your lunch..."

Draiz: "Really?!! OH YES!!!"

James: "St-stay back, dragon! Or I'll use this!!"

Ignoring his threats, Draiz non-hesitantly attacks James, and James responds by teleporting behind him and throws a yellow vile of potion at Draiz.

James: "I warned  you, didn't I?! You're now covered in paralysis gel. With that, anything covered with that loses all of the functions of their nervous systems! You won't be charging at me for a looong time now."

Arufaz: "......... he really is hopeless..."

Mara: "Oh, Jamie... I wouldn't really underestimate dragons that much."

James: "What...?!"

Draiz: "Hey, human... don't... look... AWAY FROM ME!!!"

In fighting stance, Draiz covers his whole body in a surge of lightning and starts moving again. However, his movements are different now. Cloaked in lightning, Draiz's moves are swifter, faster, and more agile, and his strikes are sharper than ever.

Draiz: "How's that?! Why don't you try your so -called 'telepo-what's it called'?! Can't use it coz' you can't find out where I'll end up, right?! RIGHT?!!"

James: "Tch..."

After that short time of playing tag, Draiz has finally caught James, however, he didn't catch him by grabbing him. His claws pierced through his left shoulder, and refused to let him go.

Draiz: "Time for lunch!"

James: "Wha-...?!! Wai-...!!"

Draiz bit his skull before he said any more words. And then, proceeded to eating him altogether. As blood oozed all around, Mara ignored it and mainly focused her attention on the research paper that she saw on a table. Arufaz on the other hand...

Arufaz(looking around): "Hmm...?"

Arufaz saw a light coming from the other side of the cavern. He walked to it. Then, he heard something.

(Unknown Voice): "A..."

Arufaz(thought): "Huh...? Did I imagine that...?"

(Unknown Voice): "Aru..."

Arufaz(thought): "There it is again... but, where is it coming from...?"

Arufaz arrives to where he saw the light, and there, standing in the middle of a pillar of light, he saw a familiar face.

Rayla: "Aru-... faz...?"

As a flood of thoughts and emotions overwhelm our MC from this one instance in his dragon life, he reunites with an old acquaintance?!


(Next Chapter Preview): "Necromancy"

Mara: "..... it seems that you've known each other already."

Rayla: "Arufaz, who's she?"

Arufaz: "Her name's Mara.....

.......... and we've been together for 10 whole years..."

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