Fiancé Trope (4)

Start from the beginning

The last thing they saw before fading into unconsciousness? A cold grin on the face of the devil.

Fan Hui dusted her hands and resumed her leisurely temperament, "So where's your house?"

Qing still had a gloomy expression on his face, "Why did you let him touch you? You could've easily avoided him."

"Then why didn't you protect me?" Fan Hui rolled her eyes.

Qing Shang's face quickly became more thunderous, "You hit my pressure points so I couldn't move for a few seconds."

"I was kidding, I just wanted to measure his strength." Fan Hui casually remarked.

"Are they good enough?" Qing Shang asked.

"The small one is quick witted. The big one is strong. Good balance." Fan Hui laughed.

"Then they're yours."

"No need, but if you're trying to keep tabs on me, go ahead." Fan Hui smirked.

Qing Shang laughed, "Alright, then you have to keep this tracker on you at all times." Qing Shang held out a tracking device.

"Blunt, but okay." Fan Hui tucked away the tracker into her storage space.

"Isn't it more convenient than a human tracker?" Qing Shang smiled.

"Sure is." Fan Hui pulled out a different tracker and offered it to Qing Shang.

Qing Shang laughed, "Great minds think alike." Qing Shang tucked away the tracker.

Just as they were finished exchanging trackers a Lamborghini pulled up next to them.

The tinted windows rolled down exposing the face of a woman with caked on makeup.

"Shang!~ I missed you, your parents said there was an emergency, so you need to come home quick!" She patted the seat next to her while fluttering her eyes.

"Keep blinking like that and your eyelashes will fall off." Fan Hui said loudly.

The woman's eyes twitched but her smile remained, "Shang, who's your friend?"

"You mean wife?" Qing Shang smiled.

"We're engaged." Fan Hui smiled.

The woman's face instantly morphed into anger, "Shang, I don't think I heard that right, could you say that again?"

Fan Hui gasped in shock, "Hubby, you didn't tell me she was deaf! Maybe I actually would have cared if I knew!" Fan Hui complained.

"My bad Wifey." Qing Shang said earnestly.

Not only did he not deny the fact that she was deaf, he actually agreed and said it was his fault?!

"I'm not deaf." The woman said through gritted teeth.

"Too bad." Fan Hui smirked.

"Shang, I'll meet you at the house, I sure hope that you don't bring this hussy with you. Otherwise this engagement might fall through, you wouldn't want that, would you?" The woman gave a tight lipped smile.

The woman sped up before Fan Hui could laugh once again.

Fan Hui didn't bother to glance at the speeding away car, she turned towards Qing Shang and raised an eyebrow.

"How long has she been leeching off of you?"

"Five years." Qing Shang answered with a thunderous grin.

Fan Hui cringed and quickly switched the subject, "So, you're also system bound I assume, what's your mission? I'll help you, I hate owing favors so let's get this done quickly."

"What mission?" Qing Shang said earnestly.

"I don't like jokes." Fan Hui's gaze turned sharp.

"What system are you talking about?" Qing Shang tilted his head curiously.

"Giving me meng is not working. Only system bound hosts are able to alter the world and story. Not to mention that you have a song from another world."

Qing Shang laughed, "I don't have a system, but I have you!" Qing Shang embraced Fan Hui in a tight hug.

Fan Hui's aura instantly turned frosty.

"You're not allowed to leave before me this time, okay?" Qing Shang whispered.

Silence permeated throughout the parking lot.

[Update Complete!] System 101 broke the silence.

'I have a question about other people in these worlds, can their souls transfer to other bodies like system bound hosts?' Fan Hui instantly asked.

[I'm gone for awhile and the first thing she says is a question?] System 101 cried.

'Answer.' Fan Hui lost all patience.

[I have heard of a few cases where a strong willed soul will follow a host from world to world, but this is your first world, so you shouldn't have any issues?]

Fan Hui internally cursed.

'Can they modify missions?'

[I'm not sure, but they'd have to at least be stronger than the system itself.]

Fan Hui sighed, 'Murphy's Law.'

[What's that?]

'Anything that can go wrong will go wrong.'

"Wifey, what are you thinking about? I assume that you're thinking of me, right?" Qing Shang laughed.

"Yep." Fan Hui said monotonously.

[Host, you seemed to have liked him before, what happened?]

'One word, Yandere.' Fan Hui sighed.

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