now i'm your daisy

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Taylor had picked it from alongside the trail on one of their hikes. It was the smallest of it's kind and was electric yellow with a mustard-colored middle. It's stem was forest green and just long enough to fit behind an ear. Taylor had seen it, the flower, that is, and immediately thought of her love.

Big Sur had miles of trails ready for exploring, all of which were surrounded by nature and lacking the whispers and gossip of celebrity life. It was in a patch of wildflowers next to the trail that the daisy was spotted and carefully plucked from the ground by Taylor. It was held gingerly in Taylor's hand until she caught up with Karlie and tucked it gently and safely behind her ear.

The daisy was there as Karlie looked into Taylor's eyes before leaning in to kiss her, slowly and gently. It witnessed the moment that the honeymoon phase of their relationship became something deeper as Karlie told Taylor she loved her.

That afternoon, when they had made it out of the forest and onto the beach, it was still in Karlie's hair. It stuck around as the couple played by the water and as Karlie accidentally wrote a misspelled name in the sand because the only thing she could think about was words she had said earlier.

The daisy witnessed the couple press their bodies against each other for a photo-op in front of an elephant seal. A few moments later, it was cut out of the shot when the girls took a selfie of Karlie kissing Taylor's cheek. The two ended up lingering there long after the shutter went off.

As the sun was going down, the flower was still in Karlie's hair. It's petals shook in the wind as Taylor and Karlie skipped across the beach and toward the sunset like giddy 5-year-olds. Still, it stayed in place as the two stopped to laugh and catch their breath and as new lyrics ran through Taylor's mind. This time they weren't about fears or heartbreak, but about being in love.

That night, as Karlie was undressing, Taylor gently removed the flower from behind her ear and placed it on a nightstand in their cabin. The daisy laid there while the couple spent their first sleepless night together. If they ever looked over, there it was, serving as a reminder of their feelings.

In the morning, to complete her outfit of Taylor's sweater and a pair of black leggings, Karlie tucked the daisy back into her hair. It was worn proudly to the Big Sur Bakery and Restaurant for breakfast, and only the two girls knew it's meaning. Taylor stole glances at it over her pancakes the whole morning.

On their way out of the park that morning, Karlie and Taylor stopped for a picture next to the state park sign. The flower remained visible in Karlie's hair as she climbed on top of the wooden sign and posed for the photo. She jumped down afterward and climbed into the other girl's car, daisy intact.

Driving back to Southern California, it was placed on the dashboard of Taylor's car. It was there as Karlie listened to Taylor's new music and blushed at the lines about her. It was there as Taylor took one hand off the wheel and held onto Karlie's with it. And it was there when they got home and their trip was nothing more than memories.

A day later, before it could wilt, the daisy was pressed and dried by Karlie so the girls could keep the souvenir forever. Holding the preserved flower behind her back, Karlie approached Taylor and presented it to her just as Taylor had presented it to her, by gently placing it behind her ear.

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