The zombie doll

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All around the neighbourhood the front porches of houses were littered with pumpkins and ghostly figures to try and scared the little ones, trick or treat ended half hour ago as the streets were less busy now but you could still hear children's muffled voices behinds their masks as half eaten candy and wrappers lay everywhere on the floor that stuck onto your shoe if you were to step on it.

I parked up my Prius outside my house and pulled out two grocery bags from the trunk, the bags were filled to the top with Gatorade and Mountain Dew, a few bags of tortilla chips and salsa, a couple of boxes of mine and Justin's favourite candy as we planned a movie marathon tonight instead of going to one of the party's that one of the jocks were throwing for halloween

I'd assured Justin I would be alright if he wanted to go to the party with Jessica tonight but he insisted he'd rather stay by my side and make it up to Jessica another night, I brought the bags through into my home and rushed upstairs to my shared bedroom where Justin was probably sat waiting for me. I entered the quiet room where Justin was laid on his bed and searching through Netflix on the Xbox controller

'You finally back then, did you get everything' Justin asked

'Yeah I even got your favourite Gatorade'

I reached into the bag and throw Justin his Cool Blue flavoured drink which he caught one handed, ripping open my pack of Mountain Dew I opened up the bottle and cracked open my box of Mikes & Ikes

'Did you find anything you like to watch?' I enquired

'Not really but there's a few good zombie movies on here'

'I hate zombie movies'

Justin chuckled lightly while ripping open his pack of tortilla chips and salsa as I did the same on my bed, we settled on a few movies we'd seen before and started Zombieland on the streaming service, quieting down when the opening credits started to roll on screen......

Halfway eaten through our snacks we decided to put on a real scary movie and I placed my Child's Play dvd into the dvd machine, we settled back down to watch a true horror classic that would give us both nightmares. Just before the credits started my gaze landed on the memory box and thought about one of the content inside, I wonder if Justin remembered ever seeing it at all or if he'll bring it up during the movie.........

After the movie had ended we decided to call it a night knowing damn well if we watched another movie we wouldn't be sleeping tonight for sure, I brought my memory box of Hannah to my bed and cradled it close to me, slipping off the lid I looked down at what reminded me of the movie we had just watched, Justin re-entered the room and slumped down on his bed, turning over to face me while his gaze landed on the box

'Thinking of Hannah' he asked sympathetically

'Yeah' I whispered, tears glazing my eyes


I knew Justin was trying for me to open up to him as I gone cold on him for the last couple of weeks about not telling what's next in the box. I took a deep breath before regaining the courage to speak again without tears falling down my cheek. 'She would have loved tonight Justin, movie marathon with snacks on hand that was all her you know. She loved to do that with me, I just wish....we could do that again just me and Hannah'

'What kind of movies did you guys watched together?'

'We watched all kinds of movie and genres from the latest thing out to something retro from the seventies or eighties' I admitted, thinking about those nights together at each other homes, cuddled up on the bed with snacks on hand. 'We even went to a drive-in theater together'

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