Quebec: Week Three

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My second Sunday here in Quebec was spent at the Musée de l'Amérique-Francophone. I took the bus into Vieux-Québec and got off at Station D'Youville. On my way to the museum, I stopped at the McDonalds I've been trying to find for lunch.
At 12:45, I took the French language tour of the Séminaire de Québec, which was the germ of what is now Laval University. The first stop was the Chapelle du Musée de l'Amérique-Francophone. Our guide pointed out details of the chapel such as that the delicate wood and pillars are covered in a metal shell convincingly painted to look like marble and gilt and the reliquary contains a piece of the True Cross. The seminary was destroyed in a fire during the nineteenth century and was restored between 1888 and 1900. It is now used by Laval's school of architecture. We were shown the courtyard of the seminary and some of its private chapels.

 We were shown the courtyard of the seminary and some of its private chapels

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