Chapter 1

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(1st Person (Y/N))

Oh geez... I had too much to drink last night, thought that doesn't matter: evil energy zaps any foreign elements that are about to enter my body, in other words, I can taste the alcohol but I can't ingest it without my evil energy getting rid of it. I opened my eyes, instantly I could feel the bottle I had last night... wait a sec... what the hell is my other arm around?

I groan and look over on my bed, the blankets draped over myself and... Rias, she was sleeping right next to me, naked. No doubt she was the one who made my arm go around her waist... I sighed in annoyance before quickly pulling my arm out from under her, I sat up while wiping my face with my now free hand, I look down at my other hand... the bottle of beer I talked about earlier was there.

Yeah, ever since I killed Riser a week ago I started drinking. Reason being: Rias decided now that I beat the guy who was supposed to marry her... I was next, hell no, even if I have some sort of soft spot for redhead, there's no way she can convince me to marry her. Where's Asia when you need her? Since the evil energy took away any chances of getting drunk to forget, it became more of a habit.

Looking over at my wardrobe, I spot my once black trench coat, now it looks more like a jacket considering the bastard turkey burned my trench coat. I sigh again before hopping off the bed, earning a groan from the other person in bed.

Rias: (Y/N)... It's too early, come back...

(Y/N): Not a chance, I'm going to get some breakfast, unless you wanna go without I suggest you hurry.

Without waiting for a reply, I walk straight through the door leading to the second floor hallway... and Kalawarner's standing there wearing a maid outfit. I roll my eyes before walking past.

(Y/N): Put some proper clothes on.

Kalawarner: Well, I have no choice, Rias insisted I become your maid in return for trying to kill you before... even if I never really wanted to kill you in the first place.

(Y/N): Look... I don't care about that, as far as I'm concerned we're just two people living in the same house, I don't want you being a maid because it creeps me out, so either get out of that maid uniform, and stop acting like a slave, or get out.

I left Kalawarner to make her decision before finally making my way downstairs, looks like I was beaten to making breakfast since I could smell the delicious bacon, eggs, and all sorts no doubt being cooked by the only person I can stand in this house. I walked in to see the blonde-haired cutie herself, the only thing that can make me smile: Asia.

(Y/N): Morning, seems like you've improved a lot since we first moved in.

I saw the poor girl jump from suddenly hearing my voice, she turned with a bashful smile while having a spatula in one hand, and a stopwatch in the other.

Asia: Yep! Kalawarner's been really helpful in teaching me how to cook, speaking of, she should've given you your clothes, I don't think you want to go to school in your shirt and boxers.

Once Asia said that, she went wide-eyed and grew a red face, I tilted my head slightly in confusion but shrugged my shoulders before sitting at the table.

(Y/N): What's on today's agenda then?

She shook her head to get rid of her red face before giving me that smile that never fails to make me smile back.

Asia: Well, first we eat our breakfast, then we ready ourselves for school, lastly, Rias has asked to meet at Issei's house for a meeting.

(Y/N): Do we have to?

Asia: I'm a part of the peerage, of course I have to go!

(Y/N): And I said, do, we have to go?

Asia: She specifically asked that you be there as well...

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