Chapter 10: Secrets

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I crawl through to the other world, but everything was quiet. I took a peek into the kitchen, no one was there except for some food crumbs and an open black box. I venture deeper into the house, up to the attic. I don't know why, but something tells me there is something up there.

I open the trapdoor and gasped. I was in the middle of a sewing room, a sewing machine was in one corner along with draws full of stuff that I will never know, patterns were strewn across the floor, fabrics were in boxes and a grandfather clock ticked in the background.

But what made me gasp was another version of me, only with button eyes, was standing there in front of me.
"Wh-who are you?" I nervously asked.
"I'm you, she was going to use me for when Coraline came. But when she saw you came as well, she locked me up here." Other me said.

"Wait, so I was not expected?" I ask.
Other me gave a small nod before stepping away. I turned around to find the other mother, well all skinny, standing behind me with a look of fury on her face.
"I know you know, and now I have to get rid of you so you don't ruin anything!" She screeched, grabbing me by the cuff of my shirt.

"Agh, hey!" I say, trying to claw the hand away from me.
She walked down the attic, to a mirror and threw me in. I landed in a dark room.
"You are going to stay here until I figure out what to do with you." She said before leaving the room.
"NO!" I yelled, punching and kicking the wall. "You...can' this." I say, panting.

"Oh, Coraline, please be alright." I say to myself before hearing a ghostly moan.
"Hello?" I say.
"Hush, the Beldam might be listening." Someone said.
"The other mother?" I ask.

Before I could say anything, the Beldam poked her head into the room, smiling wickedly. I saw her hold up a necklace and felt myself being pulled in.
"What the-?! No!" I yell.

"You're going to stay out of the way while I make Coraline agree to staying here forever." The Beldam said.
"Nooooooo!" I scream before the darkness took me, the last thing I saw was the Beldam's cruel, smiling face.


That's all I can see, eyes open or not.

I groan and get up, rubbing my head, and look around. It's just a big, dark, empty space. I look around and caught sight of a door-window thing.

'My way out.' I thought, starting to walk over to where it was.
I walked and walked and finally got to the door-window. I tried jumping out of it, but it felt as though invisible strings were pulling me back. I reached out for it, but the strings pulled me back.

'What's happening?' I asked myself.
I got a good look through the door-window and could see the inside of the house.
"Let me out!" I yell, knowing that no one will hear me, vainly trying to reach out of the window.

After struggling for a few minutes, I knew there was no way out. I collapsed, out of breath, tears forming in the corners of my eyes.
"Coraline, please be ok." I whisper to myself, staring out of the door-window.

Coraline (P.O.V) yes she gets her own (p.o.v)
I left the theatre with the Other Wybie and saw the other mother standing at the door.
"Was it wonderful dear?" She asked.
"Oh yeah. They swooped down and pulled me right out of my seat,­ Spink and Forcible. Only they weren't old ladies, that was just a disguise. But then, I was flying through the air was, it was magic." I said in awe.

"You do like it here, don't you, Coraline?" The other mother asked.
I nod. "Uh-huh! Good night, Wybie." I wave to him and walk into the house.
"You could stay here forever... if you want to." The other mother said, gripping my shoulders.

"Really?" I ask.
"Sure...we'll sing and play games and Mother will cook your favourite meals." The other father said.
"There's one tiny little thing we need to do." Other mother said, directing me to the table.
"What's that?" I ask.

"Well, It's a surprise." The other father said.
I was seated at the dining table and the other mother slid a present towards me.
"For you, our little doll." Other mother said.

I opened it excitedly, but when I saw what was in there...
It was two black buttons along with a needle and thread.
"Black is traditional, but if you'd prefer pink or vermillion or chartreuse..." Other mother said, smiling,
I watched, panicked, as their buttons changed colours.
"... though you might make me jealous." The other mother finished.

I push the box away. "No way!"
My hands flew up to my face and covered my eyes. "You're not sewing buttons into my eyes!" I scream.

"Oh, but we need a yes ... if you want to stay here." The other mother said.
"So sharp. You won't feel a thin-" the other father said, picking up the needle before abruptly stopping.

"If you don't want to, maybe this will change your mind." Other mother said before gesturing someone to come into the room.
My heart dropped into my stomach. It was Carol with buttons sewed onto her eyes.
"NO WAY! Carol, why would you do this?" I yelled.

Carol said nothing, I noticed the butterfly necklace around her neck.
"There now, it's your decision, darling. We only want what's best for you." Other mother said, putting her cold hand on me.
I stand up.
"I'm...I'm going to bed, right now!" I say quickly.
"Bed?" The other mother asked.
"Before dinner?" Other father asked.

"I'm really, really tired. Yeah..." I say, faking a yawn. "I just need to sleep on things."
"Well of course you do, darling... I'll be happy to tuck you in." Other mother said.
I slowly back away, urging them to stay where they were with a forced smile. "Oh, no thanks, uh, you-you've done so much already-" I say turning around to find the other mother blocking the way to the stairs, other father joined her.
"You're welcome. And I-" She started before smiling to other father. "We aren't worried at all, darling. Soon you'll see things our way." She said softly.

They move out of the way and I walk up the stairs until I'm out of their eyesight and run into my room.

Carol's (P.O.V)

"Coraline! Don't believe her! That's not me!" I yell, desperately pounding on the barrier that blocked me from escaping.
I took a sigh of relief when she still refused.
"" I say before closing my eyes and letting out a sob.

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