Let me die

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(A/n: This title was inspired by this song.)

Narrative POV

Shaking hands grasp the steering wheel of the Jeep. "I can't..." stinging tears threaten to fall from 2D's eyes. The idea of Y/n not remembering... the fact that no matter how drunk he was, he couldn't forget. It meant something to him. It hurt him deeply. Everyone he seemed to love would never feel the same... Love? Did he love Y/n? No. How could he love someone if he can't even love himself enough to just forget it.
Memories of Paula were flashing back. His first true love. He hadn't thought about her in years, but the same feelings were resurfacing. The same old pain. It's all he'd ever been used to... It's the only thing he could ever associate with the concept of love...
"Woi..." he starts banging the steering wheel. "Woi are yew like fhis!? Jos' be 'appy for once!"
2D's hands shake violently as he tries to turn on the ignition. He drives off, plagued by his thoughts, on his way to where it all began...

Your POV

I had been trying to keep my mind busy by watching t.v. I skimmed through some of Noodle's anime shows and cautiously avoided tapes that read "Murdoc's pleasures".
Blue Boy... I missed his presence. His goofy smile. The smell of peppermint tea. I would've gone outside with him, but... the anxiety was too much.
A hand rests on my shoulder and I turn around to be met by the other one holding a small white pill.
"You need to remember to take your pills." said Russel, sitting next to me on the couch once I took it. Usually I'd have been bitchy if someone treated me like a child, but Russel had this natural way of being a welcoming father figure.
"Thanks, Russ." I mumble, rolling the small pill between my fingers.

"You feelin' better after what happened yesterday?"
"Yeah, well... the party really took the edge off. Thanks by the way. For the party, that is..."
"You should thank D, he planned the whole thing."
A smile creeps over my face by the mere mention of his name, but it soon drops once I remember the events of this morning.
"Y/n, I know is probably not the best time... But I've been notified by the police this morning that you need to be in court next month."
I look at him questioningly.
"Josh..." he signed.
I nod, "If it has to be done, it has to be done..."
"We'll all be there. I mean, D and Mudz are witnesses to what happened in the mall. And well... Noodle and I would love nothing more than to see that piece of trash behind bars."
I nod, silently staring at the pill in my hand. Russel puts a hand on my shoulder before standing up.
"I'm gonna make some coffee, you want anything to wash that down with?"
"Peppermint tea." I said, without giving it a second thought.

Noodle jumps over the back of the couch and lands next to me, nearly giving me a heart attack.
"Hello Y/n-san!" she chirps, barely looking like last night took a toll on her.
"Morning Noodle." I chuckle.
"Coffee baby girl?" Russel calls from the kitchen.
"You seem to be in a cheery mood." I say, her positivity drowning out my thoughts.
"Murdoc promised weeks ago to take me to the first showing of a movie I've been dying to see!"
Russel walks into the living room, handing us our mugs before sitting on the single chair and taking over the t.v.
"Well... I don't want to sound cynical, but Mudz seemed very hungover today."
"How hungover?" she asked, sounding less cheery.
"Extremely." a groggy voice came from behind us. Murdoc was rubbing his temples. "I'm sorry Noodle, but I'm gonna drop dead if I sit in a loud theatre with this headache.
"You promised!" Noodle protested.
"I could go with you." I said, sipping my tea.
"Really?" Noodle chirped up.
"Sure, sounds fun. Oh, but I think Blue Boy took the Jeep... He went to run errands or something like that."
"You can use his car if you do me a favour. Drop me off at the nearest pharmacy, I need painkillers." Murdoc groaned.
"Deal. Then it's a date Noods." I say, holding my fist out for her to fist bump me. Instead, she hugs me tightly and squeals.
"Sweet Satan..." Murdoc groans, gripping his head.


I hadn't driven in a while, but Mudz was O.O.O. and Noodle was too busy talking about the movie that I didn't completely trust her at the wheel. It felt nice though. Having this small bit of independence. My heart slightly sank as I pulled over by the pharmacy where Blue Boy had found me. Murdoc got out, waving as we drove off.
"I'm so excited!" Noodle said, smiling widely. I couldn't help but share her enthusiasm. This is where the healing starts.

Murdoc POV

I was about to walk into the pharmacy, but I noticed a Jeep that looked oddly like mine. I glanced at the licence plate and, as sure as day, it was mine.
"The dullard must be here..." I thought, walking into the pharmacy. I went down the aisle where the painkillers would usually be and checked the price. I grumbled, realising I didn't have that kind of money on my person. Cigarettes will have to do. I walk out the door of the pharmacy and walk to the back. I heard a faint voice, softly singing.
"Faceache?" I squinted. The singing stopped. I turned the corner to find 2D sitting against the building's wall, the contents of a full bottle of painkillers thrown out into his palm. He glared at me, eyes slightly puffy and his cheeks stained with dry tears.
"Jos' go. Fhis dosn't concern yew..."
I stare at him a while, keeping my facial expression dull.
"You have a light?"
His face turned into an expression of pure anger. He took a lighter out of his pocket and threw it at my feet.
"Fhere! Now go!" he yelled.
I picked up the lighter, lit a cigarette and made my way over to him, sitting in front of him, legs crossed.
"Let me watch."
His face twisted into a mixture of confusion and anger. "Wot, so yew can get ya kicks out of it!?"
I dragged at my cigarette, unable to make eye contact with him. "So that if you do go through with it, I'd be reminded of what I could've done to save you. Because if I had it as hard as you did all these years... I don't think I'd be listening to someone that tells me to stop."

2D started shaking slightly, his eyes brimming with tears. "Mudz... I can't..."
I hand him my cigarette, taking the painkillers from his hand. "I know dul... Stuart. I know."
2D inhaled what was left of the cigarette, his shaking subsiding.
"We're gonna get you help, yeah? And you don't have to get through this alone, hear me?"
He just nodded, seeming to zone out.
"Ey, Stuart, look at me." I said, the guilt of all the years I've tortured him sitting in the pit of my stomach. I can see it all wear out on him. The insults, the physical abuse, life... just life overall.
"Let's get you home. Let you get some rest. I'll drive." I pull his weak body up by his one arm, slinging it over me, half carrying him.
He needs her... he's slipping again.

Pharmacy SEQUEL (2D x reader) COMPLETED Where stories live. Discover now