Quirk of the dying

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I sat crouched with Izuku next to me as we hid from the opposing team. My hero suit consisted of pure black baggy clothes that had chains hanging down from it. My next held a chain dog collar with tags hanging from them. Izuku and I didn't share the same father. Our mother had married my father and was impregnated with me. He died and she met Izuku's father impregnating her with Izuku as she was pregnant with me. Long story on how that works. Either way the tags held my father's last name as well as his call number and such. I wore them for luck and out of the deep hole that filled my chest when I thought of him. My mask was a plague doctor mask with heavy leather and metal locks that held it to my head as well as long horns protruding from the top. My boots had thick heavy bottoms that lifted me off the ground. I looked over and saw Katsuki storming down the hall. I gripped at my leather gloves made specifically so my quirk wouldn't be activated until I removed the finger tips. I waited till Katsuki was right next to me then lunged out attacking him. I forced him to the ground and looked up. "GO HELP OUR TEAM MATE IZUKU!!" I cried to him and he ran. I was thrown back hitting the wall behind me. I was up in seconds ready to fight. Katsuki swung and I ducked meeting several hits to his gut and jaw. I spun out of the way retreating to his side then threw several more hits meeting everyone I threw to his side. He cried out in frustration and made a contained explosion forcing me back. I landed with a thud and was up. He hit my mask hard and I stumbled. He threw more flaming punches only meeting few to my body. I caught his next punch and kicked him back. I watched as he fell hard onto the ground knocking the wind out of him. I lunged out and swung my fist hitting him more. He fell back and ran. I ran after him then skidded to a stop. I nearly fell into him but stopped in time. He had his grenade shaped forearm piece at me. "Better run." Suddenly he fired it at me. I fell to my knee putting my forearms over my face. A shield with the symbol of death painted on formed protecting me from the flames fury. I slid back slightly from the power of the blast. I panted digging my boots deeper into the ground. I pulled my shield back as it returned to the small state on my forearm. I looked at him panting more. Katsuki growled in anger and threw a small explosion at me. I ducked as it skimmed my back. I ran forward and jumped kicking him with both my legs forcing him backwards. He grasped my legs and we both fell out the window flying down ward. I pulled out a gem and it became a large scythe. I caught the edge of another window with it's curved blade. I hung on as Katsuki hung onto me. I looked down and growled. I started climbing upwards. I finally reached the window and pulled us both up from the hanging position. I landed on the ground with Katsuki on top of my body. I had no energy to lift myself up and him off as he lay there stunned. I reached up and touched Katsuki's neck. "I'm sorry." I whispered as my bare fingers made contact on his pulse. The vein moved against me as he tensed up. Slowly he life began to drain from him into my body. He gaped and cried as I used my quirk to stun him more.  "Team Midoryia wins!" Came All Might's voice over the inter comes. I released Katsuki and his life returned he fell back and gasped. I looked over at him as he gasped for air clinging to his chest. I sighed in relief and fell back relaxing into the stone floor. I heard footsteps echo through the floor. Katsuki looked at me and drew another breath. "How..... Did.... You do..... that....?" He choked out. I simply closed my eyes ignoring the question as pain jolted through me again and my conscious slip from my grasp leaving me there on the ground as darkness over powered my mind leaving me for now.

Bakugou Katsuki x ReaderOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora