"Mmkay," I sighed, closing my eyes and pressing my face into his neck, drifting off.

~Kakashi's POV~

We ran through the day and into the night to make it home at around midnight, judging by the moon.

Although I wanted to get Whisper to a medic as soon as possible, we had to check in with the Hokage and report our misssion.

We all arrived outside of the Hokage's door, and he called for us to enter.

"We have them both. Do you want them delivered to the prison?" I asked, gesturing to Takeo and Kell.

"That will be fine. Ibiki has been waiting. I take it the rest have been destroyed?" Lord Hokage asked.

"Hai. They were taken down as ordered. I need to get Whisper to a medic now. You'll have my full report tomorrow morning in writing," I said, bowing slightly.

I heard a quiet groan and Whisper's hand found my face, patting around as if trying to figure out who I was. I took her hand and gently pulled it away.

The Hokage chuckled at me, "Of course. Dismissed."

As soon as I was out the door I grumbled, "You're so..."

"Awesome?" she mumbled sleepily.

"Sure. Awesome." I rolled my eye, the Sharingan concealed beneath a bandana I had borrowed from Takeo.

"Hey..." she whined softly, poking my arm.

I chuckled.

"Let's get you to a medic," I said. "I want you to have someone check your ribs and make sure I set your wrist right." I started walking toward the hospital next to headquarters.

"But... I don't like doctors..." she muttered, loosening her grip.

I wrapped my hands under her knees, preventing her from slipping away, "I don't care. You're going to get checked out."

"Can't I have Gia or...or the Toothpick look at it?" she mumbled, kicking her legs a bit.

"No. They're not close enough," I said firmly, doggedly continuing to the hospital.

"But I don't like doctors!" she argued, squirming slightly.

"Get. Over. It." I pushed open the double doors, goosebumps rising on my neck at the cold air.

"No," she stated, now struggling, despite her hisses of pain.

"Whisper. Please. You just survived being captured and interrogated. I don't want anything to happen to you because of a stupid broken rib." I headed over to the nin at front desk.

~Whisper's POV~


I slumped, ceasing to struggle.

"Fine..." I grumbled.

"I need someone to look over Whisper Nakurama, chunin. She's got a broken wrist and badly bruised ribs," Kakashi relayed quickly.

"Right. Follow me," the woman at the desk said softly, leading us down a hallway and into an examination room. "Someone will be in in a moment."

"Thanks," Kakashi muttered, carefully setting me on the paper-covered bed. He place his hands on my shoulders as he turned to face me. "I need you to just stay calm, alright? I won't let them hurt you, I promise."

"Fine. But if they take out a needle..."  I trailed off meaningfully, giving him a dead serious look.

"There shouldn't be any need for a needle. They didn't give you anything, did they?" he asked, running his hands up and down my upper arms.

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