Chapter 8

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Fitz's POV

Yes. Yeeessssss. It landed on Sophie. Me and Sophie kissed almost instantly. We stayed there for so long. When we backed away, we were all red. We went to do it again but then Biana shouted, "Get a room!". We blushed. Then Keefe smiled. He called every one (except me and Sophie) over into Alvar's room.
"So.. um... were you happy that the bottle landed on you?" I asked and then tried hard to resist the feeling to face palm myself in the face.
"Definitely." And then she leaned in and kissed me. She was going to pull away, but I just kissed her back.
"YESS! SEE I TOLD YOU MY PLAN WOULD WORK! Just leave them alone and spy on them, and then bam! Kissy kissy!" Keefe shouted. "Oh yeah! Bangs Boyfriend! Why can't that be us?" Everyone laughed and Dex had to hold Tam back from punching Keefe in the face.
"So, when are you guys going to make Fitzphie official?" Dex asked. He eyed me.
"I don't know, it depends on if Sophie is okay with it..." I said.
"You idiot. You are so oblivious. What do you think is the answer?" She said and kissed me on the lips.
"I don't know. I'm hoping it's a yes." I joked.
"Okay boyfriend!" She said and then knocked me over. "Well it's my turn!"

Sophie's POV

As I spun the bottle, it landed on Fitz. I kissed him. Then Biana spun the bottle. She got Tam. They kissed. Longer than me and Fitz. Which was probably impossible to beat. Linh spun next. She got Dex. They kissed. It was a small peck. But they still blushed like craaazy. Anyways, Keefe spun and got someone... um... Tam is raging right now.

P.s the next chapter is just gonna be a good funny chapter. Just a heads up.

A Sophitz story: After NightFallWhere stories live. Discover now