Chapter 5

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What do you mean, Sophie?
I mean, after all of the stuff you hurt me, I mean, (ugh I wish I could've taken that back), said to me, I don't think you actually want to be my partner....
No please, I want to be your cognate. Please.
Fine, but you have to tell all your secrets.
Oh man, fine. Okay my first secret is that I actually had a tiny crush on Linh, but then when I saw that you were probably going to end up with Keefe, I started to get jealous because I liked you a lot...
Okay, I guess it's my turn... I had a mega crush on you since the day I met you...
I blocked him because his voice was too loud.
"You blocked me." He said.
"You screamed in my head." I snapped back. I groaned. Fitz looked guilty. And he looked like a snobby male Stina.
"So what? It's not like it hurts you or anything. You've been through worse." He said.
"Yeah but it doesn't mean you can just do it!" I yelled.
"Woah woah Sophie. Go easy on Fitz..." Teirgan said.
"He's treating me like trash!"
"That's because you are trash!" Fitz snapped back. "Oh, sorry Sophie." He meant it but it still bring tears to my eyes.
"Really, Sophie. I'm really sorry. Please forgive me." I felt tears streaming down my face. I didn't face him. I didn't talk to him. I just stayed silent, letting the tears leak out.
"Sophie?" He said.
" dFitz, why did you say that." Teirgan asked.
"It just slipped out!"
"Well, I'm sorry that I have to do this but, your privileges to being cognates are now canceled."
"Wh-what?" Me and Fitz said together. He looked at me but I didn't look back.
So for the whole day, I tried avoiding everyone. Until I got home. I jumped on my bed. And cried. And cried. And cried. And then Biana came over.
"Sophie? Are you okay?"
"I..." I finished my sentence with a sob.
"I'm going to kill Fitz." She whispered.
"NO" I sternly said. And then my instincts just clicked and I vanished.
"SOPHIE. YOU JUST VANISHED. YOU. ARE. A. VANISHER." Biana shouted. I just stayed hidden. I stayed hidden for such a long time that Biana forgot I was there and accidentally sat on me. Then I yelped and became visible again.
"Biana, can I have some time alone?" I asked.
"Okay." I knew she had a trick up her sleeve. Tomorrow was Saturday. "Can I come over tomorrow?"
"Sure I guess."

The next day

Ding dong.
"Biana and Fitz are here!" Edaline shouted.
"Yes Fitz." At that point they were already in my room and I panicked and I vanished.
"Sophie? Are you okay?" Biana asked.
"Biana! You said we were going to my best friend's house! Not Sophie's!"
"That's all she is to you? Sophie?! Just Sophie ?! Are you serious?"
Ding dong. Now Keefe was here.
"Okay. What's goin on?" He demanded. "I can sense those stress vibes coming from my house!"
I reappeared. I was on my stomach, face mushed in my pillow, my position like a starfish.
"Sophie? Are you okay?" Fitz asked again. I turned over and looked at him. Then I slipped into his mind.s
Do you think I'm ok?
Um.. no
Then you're right.
Oh... I'm sorry.
.For nothing? I understand.
No, I'm sorry for everything.
"Guys can I talk to Fitz alone?" I asked.
"Sure..." Keefe asked.
Okayl, we're all alone now.
Sophie you can talk to me without transmitting.
"Okay, look Sophie. I know you like me, but I like Linh now." Fitz lied.
"Oh. Okay." I said it like it was fine, but inside, I was dying. But I like Linh now. But I like Linh now. But I like Linh now. I saw a tear come down his face. Then another. And then I was crying a bit too. We kept staring at eachother.
"You're not a good liar." I said
"I'm not lying." But the tears coming out of his eyes basically gave him away. I stopped crying.
"I don't need to waste my tears on the one and only person that I have ever had a crush on." I said.
"Me neither." He said. And then he left the room. Biana came in.
"Fitz is crying. That's not normal. And you're also crying. Tell me everything that happened."
"I dragged Keefe out because I knew something fishy was going on with him and Linh." I cringed at the name. I knew she didn't mean to make us do that. But Fitz is too good looking that anyone would do anything to be with him. "Anyways, I was talking and me and Keefe were sitting next to eachother. And then Linh pushed us together. And right then when me and Keefe accidentally kissed, Fitz walked in. And then he...he..." and I started crying like crazy. That's when Keefe busted through the door, and took my glove off and held my hand. And then I started to feel happy.
"I don't ca..."He couldn't finish because then he started to sob. I couldn't take anymore crying. I rushed over to him and hugged him. He didn't try pulling away. He just hugged me back, saying, "Somehow the only thing that I care about is the only thing I try not to care about." Then he looked at me. We both smiled. But my smile faded when I saw Linh come in.

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